Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


[Suggestion] More Pollution sources, and ways to deal with it

TheRedCrafter344 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Certain blocks, like furnaces, blaze burners, and whatever is in the configs, when active, release chemicals into the world just like open-ended pipes. Vents are a new block which, when powered with kinetics and there is space in their internal fluid tank, suck up part of the polluting chemicals from nearby polluting sources. Also, filters are a new block that voids fluids like open-ended pipes, but can absorb (part of) polluting chemicals, using up durability on some consumable filter item inside.

Also to make other polluting fluids compatible with this, vents have some sort of conversion recipe between other polluting fluids and destroy's mixtures.


Adding onto this, adding ways to define pollution sources for modded machines/blocks via datapacks would be great. In particular, I'd like to see support for defining:

  • Pollution types for blocks/machines
  • Adjusting pollution rate based on if machine is on/off
  • Fuel sources releasing certain chemical compounds (eg. Using coal in a furnace releases SO2 and NO2, while burning wood generates smog-inducing VOCs)