Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Harmful chemicals should produce an Area Of Effect when pushed out of pipe endings

egginabox0 opened this issue · 1 comments



Currently (as far as I know) pumping harmful chemicals (those with carcinogenic, acutely toxic, or bleach properties) out of pipes and exposing mobs and/or players to the chemicals doesn't inflict them with the chemical's respective effect or inflict damage. The central idea is that when any chemical is pushed out of a open pipe:

  • If the chemical's boiling point is higher than the environment temperature (say 25*C for sake of example), the chemical may turn into a vapor, and the chemical's harmful properties are applied to any entity within x blocks:

    • x = (chemicalBoilingPoint - environmentTemp) * multiplier

  • If the chemical's boiling point is below the environment temp it may remain in its liquid form; touching the liquid will give the entity its effect.

  • If the chemical's freezing point is above the environment's temperature, then the chemical may freeze. Touching the frozen chemical cannot inflict its effect on the entity.

If a player is wearing the hazmat suit while in the AOE of a spilled chemical, they cannot inflict themselves with the effect.

Problem This Addresses

  • Makes harmful chemical handling riskier -> encourages player innovation to develop safe(r) handling practices/enables players to ruin everything
  • Creates new mob farm opportunities
  • Enables new PvP opportunities
  • Allows for a form of localized pollution, in which the players action are significantly more visible to them

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That should have been a feature, but it looks like I just forgot. Implemented in 1.0, though not exactly to your specification (it assumes everything vaporises, exactly the same as if you break a tank containing Mixtures). Thanks for the feedback!