Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Aging Barrel can't work automatically

Catchmons opened this issue · 5 comments


Aging barrel can only work automatically once. By the time when the first poccess was finished 99%, the alchol will be pump away, and the water, yeast, wheat will be left behind. Then the next poccess is blocked because the last poccess haven't been finished(stopped in 99%). And here is a screenshot.
2024-03-10_11 12 56


Not that it would be super elegant but can the aging barrel be interacted with by a deployer to open the lid and finish the process (it goes to 100% after you open the top) haven't tested it and can when I get home later.


Maybe set the alchol could only be pumped after the proccess is finished can slove this problem. Or make aging barrel can't be inputed when proccess is going.


Not that it would be super elegant but can the aging barrel be interacted with by a deployer to open the lid and finish the process (it goes to 100% after you open the top) haven't tested it and can when I get home later.

Agreed it's inelegant. The intended behaviour is for it to reach 100% and to be able to pump the product out without opening it.


Fixed in 1.0.


Fixed in 1.0.

Sorry to bother you, but is it normal for proton to oxidize iron into +III charge in-game?Regular proton shouldn't have such a strong oxidizability. Ferrous ion more reasonable, isn't it?