Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Pollution visual effects require a world reload to appear

Phanastrae opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Forge 47.2.19, Create 0.5.1.f, Destroy 0.2

The visual effects of pollution (ie smog's brown grass and thick brown fog) do not immediately appear after using the /pollution command, and require leaving and rejoining the world to show up.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new world
  2. Run /pollution SMOG set 65536
  • Visual changes (fog and grass/foliage color) do not occur.
  1. Leave and rejoin world
  • Visual changes are now present

This also seems to apply to swapping between dimensions.

  1. Create new world, add smog, relog to make visual effects appear
  2. Go to the End
    The end fog will now be brown
  3. Leave and rejoin world whilst still in end
    The end fog will no longer be brown
  4. Return to Overworld
    The Overworld grass will be green and fog will not be brown
  5. Leave and Rejoin
    Overworld pollution effects are now visible again

It needing a reload is intentional, as in testing it seemed that Minecraft block colors are batched in chunks. It was either don't require a reload, or have drastic changes from green to brown at chunk boundaries. The smog in the overworld affecting the end sky color is definitely a bug though, and will be investigated.


Fixed in 0.3.