Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Vat Temperature Bug 1.20.1

jombothegoodcat opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I was using the destroy mod and I was trying to completely empty a vat for some other stuff, first emptying through a mechanical pump went well before temperature dropped to below -200 C, so I put 4 blaze burners and the temperature proceeded to exponentially increase very rapidly and wouldn't stop, I did take this clip in the middle of that extravaganza: []

The pressure was stuck at around -100.5k kPa but the vat did eventually blow up (unsure as to how), but not before reaching a bit above a whopping 30 x 10^36 C in its final moments, to replicate what I did:

  1. Make a 2x2x2 vat out of copper casing
  2. Keep it powered with 4 blaze burners underneath
  3. Use a mechanical pump to continuously pump out the nitrogen and oxygen (I highly recommend a creative motor on max rpm to pump it out fast)
  4. Make sure to right click one of the walls of the vat with a wrench to get the temperature gauge, having a pressure gauge is optional
    I do recommend a VERY tall 3x3 tank because the amount of the nitrogen/oxygen mixtures extracted seems to be infinitely growing even though only 0 moles are left, and yes I am using the latest versions of the create mod and the destroy mod along with JEI.

fyi "coolguyOP" is my mc user and "jombothegoodcat" is my discord


It's understandable why the temperature went so low because of the ideal gas law, but the 30 x 10^36 C temperature when heating is a bit ludicrous? I'm not a professional by any means, but sure the temperature will go up quickly when there's so little to heat but I don't think it should be that high.

Also I found a way to accomplish what you're looking for but I do have the vat explosion setting in destroy disabled. (the pressure did say -101kPa so anything other than glass should work?)
2024-06-16_16 20 42
Just make a vat and cool it enough so that all the gas in the vat condenses and fill ~25 test tubes to remove everything but you'll have to add something with a test tube to get the vat working again


Also here is a clip of the moment that it blew up, audio removed due to it being too loud:


Looks like issue #240 is still present