Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Compatibility with Create: Estrogen

devBob027 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



A crafting recipe to craft estrogen pills or patches from Create: Estrogen. Probably something similar to the syringe recipes where you need a mixture with a set minimum amount or concentration of a xenoestrogen. I don't think anol is the best choice since the initial estrogenic effects were later shown to be a result of aianol and hexestrol impurities and not anol.

Minecraft Username



I have researched this exact thing, and had my eyes on anol, though what you've said about it not actually being a xenestrogen is true. The problem is that anol is one of the only xenestrogens really within the range of complexity of destroy, though stilbene is another contender.