Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Threshold Compatibility With Vats

stanlabs opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The Create Mod Threshold switch should be incorporated to work with the vats. This should allow users to set the upper and lower limits of a target pressure or temperature, which would activate redstone signals similar to how a threshold switch works with storage capacity. This would allow users to set up systems to maintain and regulate temperature/pressure, which can allow for greater automation.

Problem This Addresses
This enables greater ability to automate certain chemical processes.

Minecraft Username


This functionality for temperature and pressure has been added just by making thermometers and barometers give a redstone signal. I will probably look into the threshold switching giving a signal based on the fullness of the Vat.


@petrolpark How does it work? Does it output a certain power for different ranges of temperature and pressure?