Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Add more uses to alcohol

Derbotond opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Lets add more uses to alcohol like giving it to villagers:

  • when you give a little alcohol to the villager their prices wont get effected by any negativ effects (for example killing another villager)
  • when you give them a huge amount of alcohol the villager gets a new face texture (a derp face or smt) and hes prices becomes
    randomezed around 5%-15% (depending on the intoxication) and the next day he will get hangover which reduce his stock for 1 day.

Also lets add more alcohol tipes for example:

  • Brandy (made from fruits works the same as moonshine)
  • Wine (works the same as the chorus wine but wont teleport you)
  • Honey beer (made from mostly honey, so you wont have to add any more crop)

sorry for bad english
my username: Derbotond