Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage

Destroy: Chemistry and Carnage


Bug: Crash when Printing Schematics with Bubble Caps

helloworld069 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Forge 47.2.19, Create 0.5.1.f, Destroy 0.2
Bubble caps in schematics seems to prevent the whole structure from being wholly printed when using the "Print" tool of a schematic in Creative Mode, and leads to game crash when printed by a Schematicannon.
I noticed this bug when saving a distillation tower schematic. It was saved successfully. However when printed, only the first layer was printed incompletely while the other part dissappeared entirely.
I did some experiments and it seems the bubble cap is to be blame.
The following image shows the result of printing a schematic of a stone cuboid with a bubble cap inside. The printing progress seemed to be interrupted by the bubble cap block.
failed printing
And when printed by a Schematicannon, the game crashes when the bubble cap block is printed. Trying to reenter the world leads to another crash. (Somehow I failed to upload the log, but I guess it's OK since this is easy to recreate.)
Haven't found any block with similar behaviors yet.
My first time to submit an issue, hope not bothering.


Not bothering at all, this is all very useful. This has now been fixed in 0.3. Thanks for the help.