Create: Extended Flywheels Fabric

Create: Extended Flywheels Fabric


Create Fabric Addon Template

This template mod comes pre-configured for developing an addon mod for Create on Fabric.


For environment setup instructions please see the fabric wiki page that relates to the IDE that you are using.

Once done, this template needs a bit of setup before it's ready:

  • change entries in the fabric.mod.json file
  • rename all instances of extendedflywheels in files and file names with your mod ID, a unique identifier for your mod.
  • replace the default icon
  • change your mod package


Features of this template mod.

  • Create dependency pre-configured
  • GitHub Actions build workflow
  • Quiltflower decompiler through LoomQuiltflower (use genSourcesWithQuiltflower instead of genSources)
  • LazyDFU, ModMenu, and Suggestion Tweaker to ease development
  • Mojang mappings (Mojmap), alongside Quilt Mappings and Parchment for parameters and javadocs.
  • Access to all of Create and its dependencies
    • Porting Lib, Registrate, Flywheel, Forge Config API Port, and more


Questions? Join us in the #devchat channel of the Create Discord.


This template is available under the CC0 license. Feel free to do as you wish with it.