- 5
double recipes
#2 opened by Lucky-56 - 4
buckets don't filter/ don't give the fluid back
#3 opened by Lucky-56 - 2
[Suggestion] Nuggets can only be made into ingots by melting them
#4 opened by MrRedstoneToGo - 2
1.19.2 and 1.20.1 branches don't share a common history
#5 opened by AJBuilder - 1
1 20 1 new version crashes game when loading
#6 opened by Ripoy - 0
necromium splashing recipes loaded without mod installed
#7 opened by Lucky-56 - 3
How get molten brass (Bug)
#9 opened by ProGiple - 0
Molten Mercury sets surrounding blocks on fire and emits lava particles
#10 opened by dabomb6405 - 1
- 0
Feature Request: Redstone
#12 opened by TurnrDev - 0
Suggestion: Thermal Series compatability
#13 opened by LenKagamine - 0
Suggestion: More config options
#14 opened by GlympzeG