Create Ore Excavation Plus

Create Ore Excavation Plus


This is a sub mod for the Create Ore Excavation mod that makes it harder to get diamonds and emeralds from drills. I did this because it is kind of overpowered.

The way you turn raw emerald and diamond into normal emeralds and diamonds is as followed:

1.  Mix the Raw Diamond with 50mB and get Heated Raw Diamond or Diamond dust.

1.5 Use 16 Diamond Dust to get Raw Diamond

2. Wash the Heated Raw Diamond to get Washed Raw Diamond

3. Cut the Washed Raw Diamond to get Cut Raw Diamond

4. Press the Cut Raw Diamond to get Pressed Raw Diamond

5. Polish the Pressed Raw Diamond to get A Diamond

The way you turn raw redstone into normal redstone has also changed a tiny bit:

1. Crush the raw redstone

2. Fill the crushed redstone with 100mB of water

For Netherite it is a bit different:

1. Drill Raw Netherite Scrap

2. Blast the Raw Netherite Scrap to get Burned Netherite Scrap

3. Haunt the Burned Netherite Scrap to get Haunted Raw Netherite Scrap

4. Smoke the Haunted Raw Netherite Scrap to get Fired Netherite Scrap

5. Mix the Fired Netherite Scrap with Lava to get Lavad Netherite Scrap

6. Splash the Lavad Netherite Scrap to get Netherite Scrap

Added the possibility to make Netherite Ingots from pressing netherite scrap and gold.

To mine netherite, you have to use the ultimate drill, made like this: