- 1
Mechanical Bearings on Monorails
#485 opened by CamKablam - 2
Game crashes on launch with mod installed
#484 opened by HighInPotassium - 2
Phantom Rails renders in Map Mods
#486 opened by SugarDaddii - 1
Memory Leak
#487 opened by LeSalux - 1
Train disappeared
#488 opened by skytyler08 - 0
README incorrect license
#489 opened by theTaeco - 1
Game Crash Especially While Pondering Conductor using Redstone
#498 opened by Bioscreeper - 0
Levitating players in trains
#491 opened by david2reichmuth - 0
Conductor with Redstone Link continues to move after input is ceased
#492 opened by ToastyJacks - 1
Redstone linked Conductors driving Train Contraptions only accept forward inputs
#493 opened by ToastyJacks - 1
Curved Monorail tracks have no collision.
#494 opened by NolanHewitt - 6
Data unavailable, why?
#495 opened by Demokingruler - 4
Using SnR Can Cause Items to Disappear from the JEI Ingredients List
#496 opened by StarliteHeart - 3
[Suggestion] Disable stations with redstone
#497 opened by PrototypeTrousers - 4
Outdated compat track items
#500 opened by theTaeco - 0
thirst was taken compatibility bug
#499 opened by HalfSnowCN - 1
Copycat Headstocks of different styles do not attach
#504 opened by SeveringHams - 4
Steam & rails causing other create mods to not load in properly
#501 opened by Edv9 - 1
"point.edge is null" error
#502 opened by Dishes4Washing - 1
Visual bug in 1.20.1
#503 opened by ExpoTr - 0
Copycat Headstocks of different styles do not connect textures
#505 opened by SeveringHams - 0
#507 opened by 1231213-blip - 0
Conductor Schedules Cleared [copied from discord]
#508 opened by techno-sam - 2
train path finding issue
#511 opened by techno-sam - 0
continuation of #505
#512 opened by SeveringHams - 1
steam n rails crashes upon loading into server
#513 opened by Jackboy317 - 3
Uncraftable recipes for new headstocks, buffers, and links? [FIXED! Kinda]
#514 opened by Demokingruler - 1
Switching a Track Switch while Train is right after the intersection causes the train to get thrown away
#515 opened by cfpwastaken - 1
Steam 'n' Rails Makes Create Large Bogey Type Inaccessible
#516 opened by EvilDylan - 0
Train bogey changes type on disassembly
#518 opened by techno-sam - 0
no message for using the track switch on a junction
#522 opened by pykisel - 1
Fuel tank rendering/disassemble incorrectly
#520 opened by HLHTHoldWind - 7
Making a 2-tall Fuel Tank on a Carriage Contraption makes it disappear upon trying to disassemble it/single fuel tanks have their content emptied.
#521 opened by carbonatek - 1
Crash with fuel tanks on a train; caused by "this.wrapped" is null
#523 opened by waffle58 - 3
Recipes using Fabric conditions in the Forge version
#525 opened by emihead - 0
Railways Create Version mismatch
#524 opened by FemBane - 0
Goggles duplication glitch with Carryon
#526 opened by Coldcolor900 - 3
Flywheels on trains spinning way to fast - forge 1.20.1, mod version 1.6.6
#527 opened by ThePentaking - 9
Flywheel 20.1 FORGE
#530 opened by itsdeadfrosty - 1
the link to the discord does not work
#531 opened by NoriTeam - 1
Removing fuel thru datapacks doesn't work.
#532 opened by Crimssoon - 0
[Suggestion]Add more traindoors made by slashed locometal
#533 opened by lsd6thgrz - 1
Steam and rails not working with create 0.51f
#534 opened by Lightning727 - 0
Train cant be stopp after all fuel is consumed
#535 opened by lunatrde - 0
[1.20.1] Client Track Switch edges null error
#536 opened by sleepy-evelyn - 2
[Fabric][1.20.1] - Incompat with latest Create 0.5.1-j-build.1609
#537 opened by Allexio - 1
Handcars are parkable at stations upon relog (Originally: Handcar seat duplication)
#538 opened by AJ-P22 - 0
Coupler blocks don't function correctly on diagonals
#539 opened by ImagineerDave - 1
Game Won't Open
#540 opened by JoshVAccount - 0
[feature request] electric-powered trains
#541 opened by jadeiseepy