- 2
The Creativecore Mod crash by the 1.9.42 version of 1.12.2 Minecraft Forge version crash Forge by 50% of loading
#39 opened by Titoo8899 - 4
Next server crash
#40 opened by SeagalKru - 1
Impossible to delete
#41 opened by shoverno2 - 15
Incompatibility with Optifine Shades / Betweenlands
#42 opened by Elwood0 - 2
crash log
#43 opened by drewtheunreal - 1
So everytimei start the game i get this;
#44 opened by VortIAmmoert - 2
Incompatibility with Crafttweaker2
#46 opened by Cinamonfire - 3
client crash with 1.9.62-1.12.2
#47 opened by kreezxil - 4
null excetion make many players kicked off
#48 opened by Jecvay - 2
Crash on Client
#49 opened by Parthurax - 2
Client crashes if supporting library (creativeCore) isn't installed
#50 opened by AngleWyrm10 - 13
- 1
#52 opened by Muxasii - 7
Crash in 1.12.2
#53 opened by Theangelito - 5
AoA GUI outline issue
#54 opened by Zack7292 - 2
Java (TM) platform se binary stopped working
#55 opened by RealHeart - 1
CreativeCore Crashes the game While Loading Screen
#56 opened by retr0cube - 1
Crash game (1.12.2)
#57 opened by SeagalKru - 8
error when opening tab in creative inventory with little tiles
#59 opened by donutnotnut - 2
Crash on login to server
#58 opened by Dalethium - 8
Error when opening tab with little tiles
#60 opened by donutnotnut - 1
crash when i start the game
#61 opened by Monkey421 - 1
Crash with CreativeCore 1.12
#62 opened by C0deC - 1
#58 still present
#63 opened by Dalethium - 1
Corrupted .jar file
#64 opened by NilsNippe - 1
CRASH 1.12.2
#65 opened by raulfpv - 1
Prevents my launcher from opening
#66 opened by NatGod - 1
The mod version in mcmod.info is incorrect
#67 opened by xJon - 1
Regarding the use with AmbientSounds
#68 opened by xJon - 1
Crash on 1.12 with forge and v1.10.9 version of CreativeCore
#69 opened by DarthSidious666 - 3
NoSuchMethodError for creativecore.common.gui.opener.GuiHandler.openGui
#70 opened by Rsslone - 1
Crash on launch
#71 opened by LeScooter - 1
Crash during launch 1.12.2
#72 opened by Face69 - 1
gson crash on startup
#73 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 1
#74 opened by marknagieb - 2
Can't load my modpack with CreativeCore presence.
#23 opened by Beanius - 2
[1.12-1.8.5] net.minecraft.worldWorld NoClassDefFoundException
#24 opened by kreezxil - 2
#25 opened - 5
[1.11.2] java.lang.RuntimeException: Please use the iterator instead
#26 opened by Pythonic-Rainbow - 5
Creative core not working? 1.12.1
#27 opened by VirtualGaming1 - 7
#28 opened - 6
Mod causing Minecraft Forge to crash when using Legacy Intel Graphics
#29 opened by JarlPenguin - 1
Crash on Startup
#30 opened by Boolyman - 9
I have a problem with a mod called CreativeCore
#31 opened by WolfZGamer - 4
[1.12.2] Mod Conflict
#32 opened by PulseBeat02 - 2
Issue with Scannable
#33 opened by corgiblu - 2
Crash when going back to overworld using nether portal
#34 opened by Neglevin - 2
io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - related?
#35 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Startup Crash with latest Forge release for 1.12.2
#36 opened by fandomaniac - 6
Crash in LT Little Importer
#37 opened by brisingraerowing