- 18
Not sure if this is on purpose or not.
#195 opened by PrinceJaxonHellsing - 4
Crash Error 1
#197 opened by ceifadorcinixtru - 1
Crash when creating new world/join existing world
#199 opened by kazumadh - 1
Update to support Minecraft 1.20.4 Fabric
#198 opened by lospejos - 2
Crash with fabric
#135 opened by StockiesLad - 2
Does not work for curseforge 1.18.1
#133 opened by Pineconium - 1
1.18.2 Support
#134 opened by dotI0 - 2
Crash when starting server Fabric 1.18.2
#140 opened by spoorn - 7
[1.18.2-Forge] - Crash when Reloading resourcepacks.
#136 opened by juanmuscaria - 8
Crash while starting server
#138 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 9
Crash while starting server
#139 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 4
Mod Incompatibility: Controllable.
#143 opened by IC-Dyllac - 1
CreativeCore causing client crashes?
#142 opened by PotatoesForEternity - 2
Minecraft and Java crash when CreativeCore is present
#145 opened by Peca21 - 6
CreativeCore encountered an Error
#146 opened by M4DMAXX - 1
CreativeCore does not load.
#148 opened by TheaRTGGaming - 2
CreativeCore (creativecore) has failed to load correctly
#153 opened by LeonSparda - 1
Creative render thread error
#150 opened by Patogallina - 2
Crash after creating a world (SP, MP not tested)
#151 opened by Esterze - 1
Crash when trying to open certain inventories?
#152 opened by spoorn - 1
When opening world it crashes.
#154 opened by Firenova - 4
The latest version crashed with rubidium
#155 opened by gousisme - 6
Creative Core still crashing with rubidium 1.19.2
#156 opened by CelsiusIV - 1
Minecraft crash report 1.12.2
#157 opened by nfww - 1
Error NoSuchMethodError: 'float team.creative.creativecore.common.util.mc.TickUtils.getDeltaFrameTime(net.minecraft.class_1937)'
#158 opened by lospejos - 1
the version i need dont exist
#159 opened by Hiks1112 - 7
crashes with minecraft
#160 opened by pablo819 - 1
Creative Core Problem.
#162 opened by OfficialBunnie - 1
1.12.2 mod download dosen't appear
#161 opened by chortle3 - 2
Cant use it with other mods?
#163 opened by NadicaStudios - 1
Error with soundphysics mod
#164 opened by lexamax - 2
Loading Class error
#167 opened by Mrkuff - 2
fatal error joining server 1.12.2
#168 opened by voidswrath - 2
cam-server commands not recognized
#169 opened by servo98 - 13
crashes with wynntails
#170 opened by Aces-and-Jacks - 1
crash in 1.19.3
#172 opened by JasonKillsUs - 1
There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail (1.12.2)
#173 opened by prodatastealer - 1
1.19.2 Client Crash on Server
#174 opened by voidswrath - 0
My game crash when i run it
#176 opened by pepinonuclear48 - 4
crash on world join, with atm8 and opticmanager
#178 opened by gentlewatcher - 5
Creative core seems to crash my game
#179 opened by Kamix13 - 1
`pack.mcmeta` file has unfilled templates on fabric, making it invalid JSON
#181 opened by lukebemish - 1
Creative core 1.12.2 wont work, crashes minecraft
#183 opened by actuallyaduck - 1
Unnecessary commands on tab completion
#184 opened by snakehugo - 5
Useless mod by a useless dev who can't do things right.
#186 opened by Art3mis-Ghub - 2
[CreativeCore] MC 1.20.1 Java Resolution exception
#187 opened by Zarandolph01 - 2
Errore nell'avviare minecraft 1.19.2
#189 opened by ornitori - 1
Use 'fabric-api' mod ID in fabric.mod.json
#191 opened by Poopooracoocoo - 1
Add Fabric API dependency for Fabric releases on CF and MR
#192 opened by Poopooracoocoo - 1
[1.20.1 Forge] Forgified Fabric API compatibility
#193 opened by MrKashew