- Creature Fusion has the Make 2 Mobs and the Transform Fusion Mob
You Can give Fusion Stone Spawner and has the Slime + Spider = Spider Slime
and the Fusion Mob has Completed and you can make updated the mobs
Welcome to Creature fusion
Slime Spider:
HP: 16
likes Spider has the face Slime Fusion: Slime + Spider.
Pig Creeper:
HP: 21
likes Creeper has the face Pig
Fusion: Creeper + Pig.
Witch Ghast:
HP: 25
likes Ghast has the hat Witch
Fusion: Ghast + Witch.
Spider Creeper
HP: 20
likes Creeper has the Spider Body and Legs
Fusion: Creeper + Spider
Warning: has the teleport you and spawns the tnt. lol
Zombie Pig
HP: 21
likes Zombie has the pig with saddle
Fusion Stone Spawner:
you can make the tutorial: you can the slime and spider, Slime + Spider = Slime Spider.
has the Fusion Stone Spawner has the make 2 mobs has work transform fusion mob.
You can Has the 9Minecraft - http://www.9minecraft.net/creature-fusion-mod/
and 9Minecraft has the Mod Creature Fusion has the mobs
4 Mobs and the 9Minecraft Mods 1.14.4
has the Mods has the 9Minecraft the Mod Creature Fusion has the back the 9Minecraft
Niche Duck: