Creeper Swarm

Creeper Swarm


This mod makes creepers a little more scary. When they explode they created baby creepers!

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, have this video that is worth about 2,000,000.

This mod comes with a built in configuration based on game rules:

New world Game Rules options showing the Creeper Swarm rules.

The game rules are as follows:

  • Baby count: The amount of baby Creepers to spawn when an adult explodes, -1 scales based on the health of the Creeper.
  • Explosion Scale: The multiplier of the explosion size for baby Creepers as a percentage. 25 is 25%.
  • Hard Multiplier: Multiplies the amount of baby Creepers that spawn when the world has Hard difficulty.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Enables baby Creepers from the same parent to damage each other.
  • Speed Boost: Gives baby Creepers the baby speed boost.

Fabric API is not required, but it is recommended! Without it the Game Rule localization will be missing, but otherwise the mod will be fully functional.