Cristel Lib

Cristel Lib


Config file not generating 1.20.1 // Forge 1.1.5

Jakaya0897 opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  1. Created Rocks.Json: Config\cristellib\data
  "name": "Rocks",
  "subPath": "config\cristellib\data\structure_configs",
  "header": "Test",
  "config_type": "PLACEMENT",
  "comments": {
    "ancient_cities": "A dark city at the bottom of the World",
    "buried_treasures.spacing": "Set the spacing of the buried treasure structure set"
  "structure_sets": [
      "modid": "philipsbiomefeatures",
      "structure_set": [
  1. Loaded game to menu
  2. Checked structures folder, no file generated

Additional note:
It appears this does work as if I create a Rocks.Json in structure configs and add some random text game CTD on load.

Any help appreciated? as its unclear if I have missed a step or if this is a bug?