Cristel Lib

Cristel Lib


Cristel Lib

A Library Mod for Structure configs


  • Easy Structure Config System
  • Data support
  • Runtime Datapack
  • Datapack Loading

Using Cristel Lib with data

First create the folder where you will put your files for cristellib.

  • For modpack makers, it'll be in the instance folder, in config/cristellib/data.
  • For modders, it'll be /data/cristellib.

Creating a structure config

In your folder you'll have to make another called structure_configs. In this folder you will create files which will add configs for the structures you want. To create a config create a new json file the name of the file will be the name of the config file later. The file structure should look like this:

  "name": "",
  "subPath": "",
  "header": "",
  "config_type": "",
  "comments": {
    "ancient_cities": "A dark city at the bottom of the World",
    "buried_treasures.spacing": "Set the spacing of the buried treasure structure set"
  "structure_sets": [
      "modid": "minecraft",
      "structure_set": [
      "modid": "t_and_t",
      "structure_set": [

Required Fields

  • "subPath" specifies the sub folder in the config folder where the file will be located. E.g. if you put there "cristellib" your config will be in /config/cristellib/.
  • "config_type" specifies, if the config will be for editing the placement (PLACEMENT), or if it is for enabling/disabling (ENABLE_DISABLE) a structure (there is no combined version yet).
  • "structure_sets" in this array you have to put every structure set, which should be in the config. The "modid" specifies in which mod container the structure set file should be searched, and the "structure_set" parameter defines the location.

Optional Fields

  • "name" changes the name of the config file.
  • "header" is the text, which will be at the top of your config file.
  • "comments" is a map where the keys indicate the location where the comment should appear.