Be sure to grab the most current version!
This is a step-by-step guide through the features of this mod.
Adds a capability to BLAST Crying Obsidian into a new ingot. Crying Ingot.
This Ingot can then be crafted into a block.
The Block of Crying Ingots can have a different orientation, similar to vanilla logs.
It also has a dripping effect similar to Crying Obsidian.
This mod adds a new structure to build. (Or hope to build as this is designed to be a late game mod)
A Crying Obsidian Well can be constructed.
It consists of a 3x3 of Crying Obsidian with 4 additional blocks on the next layer, like so:
If you place a Block of Crying Ingots in the middle of a Crying Obsidian Well and light the Ingots on fire,
they will "melt into" the well.
With your newly created "Crying Esscence", now you're cooking as they say.
Simply throw in any item made out of Netherite and the item will be consumed with Crying Esscense, making a new Crying tool or armor.
For reference this is whats available as well as the Enchanted Apple:
Crying Esscense also applies its own new potion effect as well as brewing the potion.
I won't spoil what it does here.
All variations of the potion are available including redstone->long, glowstone->strong, both in one, as well as lingering variants. Crying II long is somewhat deadly.
Additional Recipe to make Crying Obsidian late-game.
Pls drop me a comment, idea, or problem.
Thanks for checking out my mod for Forge 1.20.1!
I'm working on more in the future, and I may expand on this one who knows.
Be sure to grab the most current version!