


Mod Content:

-Opal Shard, Garnet Shard, Jade Shard, Ruby Shard, Sapphire Shard, Obsidian Shard, Rose Amethyst Shard.

-Opal Stone, Garnet Stone, Jade Stone, Ruby Stone, Sapphire Stone, Nuummite Stone, Smokey Quartz, Citrine Quartz, Moon Stone.

-Ruby Ring, Sapphire Ring, Opal Necklace, Garnet Pendant, Jade Sculpture.

-Netherite Quartz Ingot.


-Eye of the Sea, Moonlight Sensor, Atlantisine Dust.

-Wooden Macuahuitl, Stone Macuahuitl, Iron Macuahuitl, Diamond Macuahuitl, Netherite Quartz Sword, Netherite Quartz Pickaxe, Netherite Quartz Axe, Netherite Quartz Shovel, Amethyst Dagger, Ender Dagger, Atlantisine Dagger, Blaze Dagger, Citrine Dagger.

-Netherite Quartz Helmet, Netherite Quartz Chestplate ,Netherite Quartz Pants ,Netherite Quartz Boots.

-Limestone, Limestone Gravel, Limestone Bricks, Limestone Gravel, Limestone Stairs, Limestone Slab, Limestone Wall, Polished Limestone, Chizeled Limestone, Limestone Brick Stairs, Limestone Slab, Limestone Brick Slab, Limestone Wall, Opal Block, Garnet Block, Jade Block, Ruby Block, Sapphire Block, Nuummite Block, Citrine Block, Netherite Quartz Block, Smokey Quartz Block, Atlantisine Block, Jeweler Workstation Block, Moonstone Block, Rose Amethyst Block.

-Jeweler(trade shards, gemstones and jewelry, each jeweler tier have 3 trades in total but pick random 2, in tier Master he have in total 5 trade but pick random 2, have more than one jeweler to profit the most of his trades), Wandreing Trader sell some of the Shards and Gemstones..

#World Generation:
-Limestone, Limestone Gravel generate in the overworld along side the normal stone and gravel,
Gemstone ores generate in the caves below the surface, Citrine, Nuummite and Smokey Quartz generate in the nether, Ruby and Sapphire can only found in the Dripstone Caves, with large ore vine spread,
New Geodes: Rose Amethyst only in Lush Caves, Quartz and Cirtine in the Nether(exluding the Basalt Deltas) and Smokey Quartz only in the Basalt Deltas, Atlantisine in the Ocean biomes(all new Geodes are rare to find but bring shiny loot to mine).

#Global Stuff:
-All Quartz ores been changed to gedoe crystls like Amethyst thanks to(YeoXuHang) and their ores been removed.

- Moon Stone  can be obtained by the Wandreing Trader and Lightning Bolts drop Moon Stone.
-Moonlight Sensor, when used make all nearby mobs(around 20 blocks) glow for 5 seconds, can only be used at night time.
-Moonstone Block, emit strong light at night time(15) and emit no light(0) at day time,
goes on and off slowly with delay speratly for each Moonstone Block(like crop growth ticks) but only when placed or
hitted by any projectile the light effect trigger immediately..

 #Mystical Daggers:

-Amethyst Dagger, act as a sword(base dmg is 3) to swing or as throwable(base dmg is 5, +2 dmg to Ghast, Vex and Phantom),
when thrown and hit anything it will shatterd and make Amethyst noise also near the shatterd location(around 5 blocks away)
if player nearby gain Damage Resistance for 10 seconds and if mobs nearby they glow for 10 seconds.
Recpie --> 1 stick below, 2 Amethyst Shards above it and 4 Rose Amethyst Shards from the top sides.

-Ender Dagger, act as a sword(base dmg is 3) to swing or as throwable(base dmg is 5),
when thrown and shatterd on a block will teleport the player there and gain invisiblity for 10 seconds,
if the impact is a mob it will swap the player and the mob locatin and make the mob glow for 5 seconds.
Recpie --> 1 stick below, 2 Ender Eyes above it and 4 Rose Amethyst Shards from the top sides.

-Atlantisine Dagger, act as a sword(base dmg is 3) to swing or as throwable(base dmg is 5, +2 dmg to Guardian and Drowned),
can be thrown underwater and activate Conduit Power when the shatterd location is near the player(around 5 blocks away) for 10 seconds.
Recpie --> 1 stick below, 2 Eye of the Sea above it and 4 Rose Amethyst Shards from the top sides.

 -Blaze Dagger, act as a sword(base dmg is 3) to swing or as throwable(base dmg is 5),
when thrown and shatter summon a Fireball exploation in the impact location.
Recpie --> 1 stick below, 2 Blaze Rods above it and 4 Rose Amethyst Shards from the top sides.

-Citrine Dagger, act as a sword(base dmg is 3) to swing or as throwable(base dmg is 5),
when thrown and shatterd near the player will remove the following effects:
gain LUCK for 10 seconds and if shatterd near a mob make him Levitate for 2 seconds.
Recpie --> 1 stick below, 2 Citrine Quartz above it and 4 Rose Amethyst Shards from the top sides.

Crafting Table -- > 4 Shards to Gemstones,
Crafting Table --> 9 Gemstones to Gemstone Block,

Crafting Table --> Obsidian Block to 9 Obsidian Shards and versa,

Crafting Table --> Atlantisine Block to 9 Atlantisine Dust and versa,

Crafting Table -- > Shapeless -- > 1 Opal Stone, 1 Ruby Stone, 1 Sapphire Stone,
 1 Jade Stone, 1 Garnet Stone, 1 Netherite Quartz Ingot to Jeweler Workstation Token.

Crafting Table -- > 1 Jeweler Workstation Token and 3 Limestone Bricks below it for Jeweler Workstation.

Crafting Table --> 4 Obsidian Shards + 1 Stick + 2 Stone/Iron/Diamond to Macuahuitl(stronger than swords but lower durability),
Crafting Table --> Quartz + Citrine Quartz + Diamonds + Netherite Ingot to Netherite Quartz Ingot,
Crafting Table --> 2 Smokey Quartz + 2 Cobblestone/Cobbled Deepslate to 2 Blackstone,
Crafting Table --> 4 Smokey Quartz + Glass in the center to Tinted Glass,
Crafting Recipe -- > 8 Atlantisine Dust and Eye of Ender in the middle to Eye of the Sea,
Brewing Stand--> Blaze Powder + Water Bottle + Eye of the Sea to Potion of Water Breathing.
Smithing Table --> Netherite Weapon/Armor + Netherite Quartz Ingot to Netherite Quartz Weapon/Armor,
Blast Furnace --> Limestone to Glass,
Stonecutter --> Limestone to Limestone variant blocks(gravel,bricks,stairs,wall,slabs,polished,chizeled).