


This mode adds 5 new ores: crystal of life crystal of death, crystal of air crystal of earth, and chaos crystal.
With these crystals, you can create:wand of speed, death sword, earth pickaxe and showel, but to craft these things, you need nether stick and awakened diamond which is made from a diamond and 4 crystals.
Wand of speed when you right clicked with this wand in hands you get speed boost is a couple of seconds long.
Death's sword it is being crafted from awakened diamond, nether stick, deaths crystals deals 6 damage and when you right clicked with this sword in hands you get damage boost and slowing down.
Earth pickaxe  is being crafted from sticks and earth crystals this pickaxe digs with the speed of a golden pickaxe and has 1000 durability and only it can dig chaos crystal.
Now application of chaos crystals has not.
In Nether you can find new structure, in a middle this structure you find a strange block if you break this block you summoned new boss: Crystal ghast, it has 100hp and deal 15 damage and will haunt you with low speed but when you hit it will be summoned nether helper this mob has 7 hp and it will haunt you with high speed and deal 3 damage

Crystal ghast dropped nether crystals and this crystals need for wand of vampirism. 
Wand of vampirism its a very strong ranged weapon if you hit anybody with this wand you get regeneration(watch craft in a screenshots)

This mod makes the gameplay more diverse and interesting