Profession Texture in inventory

Making vacant villager block
Burn a villager block.
Villager's drop
Drop some slabs and emeralds.
Heal the wand - 1
Need a emerald to heal the wand for 21 times.
Cubic Villager GUI
It look like villager trading GUI. But don't drop items when closed.
Revert to vacant block
Craft with two slabs.
Making villager block slab
Use axe to make slab.
Heal the wand - 2
One emerald is gone.
Using BC pipes
Send/Eject items with BC pipe.
Create the wand
Use 2×blaze rods, 2×diamonds, 1×emerald block.
Reverting to villager
Place two emerald blocks.
Reverting to villager - 2
Then place villager block.