Cult War: Cleansed

Cult War: Cleansed


Since I plan to upload some new mods soon, I figured I'd also upload some old ones I made for private server events! Please understand though, this means this mod is for an older version (1.16) only, and likely won't be updated in any way. 


"Cult Wars" is an in-joke among myself and some friends. If a person obsessed with ceramics, a person obsessed with femboy attire, and a person obsessed with sodium lamps all get into a fight, who would win? This joke escalated to the point of there being an actual cult "war" (PvP event) on a private server, with the specifics of the joke being brought into Minecraft using this mod. That... didn't go very well. But I've taken the mod, scrubbed off the explicitly nonsensical references & wildly unbalanced items, and added some survival-plausible recipes. Maybe you can continue the good fight, and prove once & for all which of these weirdly specific things is the most combat-ready?

Alright, that's enough lore. Here's what the mod has to offer:

The Ceramic Vessel is a simple storage block that mostly exists to fulfill a reference. 

Each vessel has an inventory of 3x3 slots (like a dispenser/dropper), so there isn't a gain in storage space over the barrel used to craft them. Perhaps they could be used for sorting purposes? Or maybe just for decoration.

They drop ceramic shards when broken, in addition to their contents of course. These shards can't be crafted back into vessels (or anything else, for that matter), but they do a decent amount of damage when thrown.

On the subject of decoration, the Femboy Wool exists explicitly for that purpose. It is mere coincidence that it can also be used to craft a comfy pair of programmer socks:

if you wanna share the "love", you can load your socks into this fairly costly gizmo and fire them at your friends (or valid mobs), forcing the (un)fortunate target to wear them!

Programmer Socks applied this way will be automatically enchanted with Curse of Binding.

And what would blue and pink be without some yellow, provided in droves by this mod's array of sodium lighting options! 

yes, that is gunpowder and milk. yes, I know that chemically doesn't make any sense. Kelp would have been a more realistic source of sodium, in retrospect. please don't think about it too much.

But these things aren't just good for flooding your base with yellow. The block versions of the lamps can be used as Beacon bases, and the smaller "rod"-style ones will color a Beacon's beam yellow!

These next few items don't really have anything to do with the three "cults", but they were too fun to not include.

The bizarre interactions between pigs and lightning do not end when the pig dies. When lightning strikes a raw porkchop item, it is transformed into a Garloid! 

Based on an old meme from a certain imageboard, Garloids are small sessile creatures that produce a nutritious milk when given a supply of clean water:

don't worry, these little guys can be milked hundreds of times. 

Like its cow counterpart, Garloid Milk also removes status effects. Unlike its cow counterpart though, it can give status effects if milked form a Garloid fed impure water. Mechanically, this basically makes Garloids an alternate way of brewing potions. Garloid Milks aren't as potent as "real" potions, but hey, at least you won't need a supply of Blaze Powder. You will still need to go to the nether though, to get the necessary items for tainting water. 

Obtaining one of these guys naturally would be a pain, so I also added a Redstone-powdered Lightning Rod:

And lastly, the Ender Anomaly is a very powerful weapon based on a simple observation.

When the tears of an Ender Eye are allowed to react with sodium, something strange happens. You'd probably understand best if you tried it for yourself. Just don't try it near yourself. Or your valuables. 

The Ender Anomaly is a throwable item, that does different things depending on whether it hits a mob/player or a block. If it hits a block, it simply explodes. If it hits a mob or player, they float up for several seconds before being dealt an enormous amount of damage (to which the Wither is mostly immune, for anti-cheese reasons), then explode. 

yes, this is an MCreator mod.