- 3
Config for keepinv
#181 opened by n0proxy - 1
Index 49 out of bounds for length 46
#169 opened by LIMPIX31 - 4
[Forge 1.17.1] Client crash, when loading world
#167 opened by lays24mc - 1
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: fallFlyTicks
#168 opened by aburone - 4
Making a slot for elytra
#171 opened by JustinTheBob - 4
1.16.5 GUI wont open
#170 opened by TheShadowModsUK - 1
Detect Slot by it's custom tag
#172 opened by TheShadowModsUK - 1
Server compatable when icons added
#173 opened by TheShadowModsUK - 0
Curio Equip/Unequip events
#174 opened by Aizistral - 1
Curios API has class loading errors
#176 opened by jorerivm - 3
too many Ring, Charm, or Head slots
#177 opened by itzacookie - 0
[1.16.5] Curios slots grow/shrink sync issue
#178 opened by SSKirillSS - 0
[1.16.5] Curios slots shrinking client-sided issue
#179 opened by SSKirillSS - 3
Example in 1.17.x doesn't reflect the 1.17.x changes.
#180 opened by mochamaple - 0
[1.16.5] Crash with FancyMenu and the new Curios API beta
#189 opened by FoxMcloud5655 - 1
Where can I equip the ring?
#182 opened by kands-code - 1
New Curios update finds all invalid files in other mods
#183 opened by Darkere - 2
My Curios Items Disappears (Belt, Hands, Feet)
#185 opened by Modeeves - 0
[1.16.5] CTD when connecting to dedicated server
#184 opened by drakray - 8
Crash Ticking Player
#187 opened by RipleyHyena - 0
Crash when trying to run datagen
#188 opened by ochotonida - 2
1.18.1 new curios update crashes on server start
#197 opened by itsdinkd - 9
[1.18.1] Game sometimes crashes when exploring new chunks when curios is installed
#198 opened by NJL5390 - 2
1.18.1 Crash when breaking things in world using non-tools?
#199 opened by cpw - 6
Dynamic Lights Integration
#191 opened by Darkosto - 0
RightClickItem even from Curios Mod prevents Item#use from running on the client.
#192 opened by Nyfaria - 5
1.17.1 Forge : players cannot access LAN game while having an item in a Curios slot
#193 opened by itkminer - 2
Exception getting Entity NBT
#194 opened by Kaleidio - 0
Bug with 1.18.1 version of Curios error code "Invalid Player Data: Connection Closed"
#195 opened by YummyCoin5155 - 0
Curios be used as Ender Masks
#196 opened by Nyfaria - 1
rings dont fit into rings slots
#210 opened by krjencik - 0
[Wrong Issue Please Remove]
#208 opened by JuneGame - 1
The Menu doesn't apear
#209 opened by DeaRax - 2
Trash slot, quark buttons, etc. disappearing after opening Curios window
#201 opened by Foozey - 7
Clicking on the Curios Button with an item in your cursor will not carry over the item.
#202 opened by bconlon1 - 4
#204 opened by Zerether - 2
Curios Items Disappear on a "Certain Server"
#212 opened by Subilan - 3
#213 opened by krjencik - 4
need help
#214 opened by driftirl - 2
Interface does not open
#215 opened by Samlegamer - 4
1.18.1 Server issue
#216 opened by LupusVentus - 1
Creating a Slot with Functionality (Jetpacks)
#217 opened by StephenDay1 - 7
[1.16.5] Curios get duplicated and unequiped after relogging
#218 opened by SteaSteaStea - 0
Crash when unequipping curio with slot-increasing attribute
#221 opened by Aizistral - 0
`ICurioItem#getEquipSound` is never called
#222 opened by Aizistral - 2
Curios 1.18.1- seemingly fails to initialize into Forge Modloader
#224 opened by spezard - 4
crash in joining to world (1.16.5 FORGE)
#161 opened by AlgorithmLX - 10
GUI problem on server
#162 opened by GxXux - 0
API to load and save curios inventory
#164 opened by strikerrocker - 4
[1.17.1] Curios does not appear at run time.
#165 opened by congueror