- 9
[Bug]: ModernFix + curios-forge-1.19.2-
#375 opened by Krimatoria - 7
[Bug]: Heartstone from Heartstone mod doesnt add a slot type
#378 opened by AnonymisedFellow - 3
[Bug]: Insufficient number of affixes 1.19.2
#376 opened by Krimatoria - 2
[Bug]: No candidates were found matching f_19803_:Z in net/minecraft/world/entity/Entity
#377 opened by Walker-Case - 1
[Bug]: java.lang.Noclassdeffounderror:
#379 opened by Krimatoria - 6
[Visual Bug]: Curio items aren't rendering properly
#371 opened by SireAwfulThe1st - 1
[Feature]: Better Scrolling
#372 opened by IdrisQe - 4
[Bug]: Menu not open
#373 opened by elpixel0 - 0
[Forge 1.20.1] Curios Inventory Keybind does not function as a "leave container inventory" hotkey like with Open Vanilla Inventory.
#352 opened by PlayfulPiano - 1
[Feature]: Allow curios integrated "inventory check" support by default.
#357 opened by PlayfulPiano - 22
[1.20.1] Curios Cosmetics cause glitched curios positionings.
#353 opened by PlayfulPiano - 2
Curious API (curious) encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase
#354 opened by PhoqueMeister - 2
[Bug]: Curios Inventory Keybind exits out of Flux Netowrk text boxes while typing.
#360 opened by PlayfulPiano - 1
[Bug]: Crash when modifying HUD positions when using Inventory HUD + & ATM9
#358 opened by PlayfulPiano - 9
[Bug]: Mixin apply failed curios.mixins.json:AccessorEntity -> No candidates were found matching f_19803_
#359 opened by ADDSynth - 3
[Feature]: Add an option in the configuration interface to disable the button for the GUI interface.
#362 opened by QianFuv - 0
[Bug]: item_handler capability is not synced between server and client
#363 opened by Mari023 - 1
[Bug]: crash??
#361 opened by lyndisMikiyoko - 1
Spongepowered Crash
#364 opened by Jastyre - 2
[Bug]: Doubling items with the keepinventory true command.2 slots for some items and 5 ring slots.
#365 opened by Sadamlucien - 3
[Bug]: MorePlayerModels and Curios compatibility problems only on Aternos?
#367 opened by HideDude - 0
[Bug]: Curios for neoforge is broken since 20.4.70
#368 opened by PinkGoosik - 1
nest item[Bug]:
#369 opened by sus2221 - 1
[Bug]: Encountered error during the sided_setup event phase
#370 opened by TvplayerGH - 1
[Bug]: mod crash
#380 opened by TheCoolDave - 0
[Bug]: isEnderMask crashes if it isn't overridden for ICurioItem
#381 opened by ThatPreston - 6
[Bug]: "Replace" attribute doesn't work
#382 opened by buloz - 2
[Bug]: Some item disappear after using inventory sorter
#383 opened by glea94 - 1
[Bug]: Visibility toggle not appearing on all slots
#385 opened by MichaelMichelle2 - 1
[Bug]: Problem with a Plugin
#386 opened by SoyJetixXD - 5
[Bug]: CuriosApi.getSlotHelper() is null on client during multiplayer
#387 opened by iron431 - 5
[Bug]: Crash when rendering tooltip of some unknown item (possibly The Aether's "Gloves") as of v5.7.1
#388 opened by unilock - 3
[Bug]: 1.20.1 Crash in a modded environment.
#389 opened by EnderTheNerd - 6
[Bug]: Accesories disapear
#391 opened by Lemonnik6484 - 6
[Bug]: Dupe items in Curious or removing inventory
#390 opened by BazZziliuS - 6
[Bug]: Duplicate Capability Key
#392 opened by SaltSouls - 5
[Bug]: Pressing G closes any active GUI
#393 opened by IchHabeHunger54 - 4
[Bug]: Game crash with Simple hats on newest version
#398 opened by ALainxD - 3
[Bug]: Cannot Add Mod Items to Datapack for Additional Slots in 1.19.2
#394 opened by arlight1 - 0
#395 opened by taksilia - 2
[Bug]: NeoForge PayloadRegistrar's client() method does not prevent loading of client classes on server side
#397 opened by TigerWalts - 3
[Bug]: "curio" slots aren't validated as expected
#402 opened by ochotonida - 2
[Bug]: Game crashes when I attempt to open curios on personal modpack
#399 opened by Bobapplesims - 0
[Bug]: Build error on fresh clone
#401 opened by tmvkrpxl0 - 1
[Bug]: "/clear"command cannot clear irons-spells-n-spellbooks mod's magic book
#406 opened by TskimiSeiran - 3
[Bug]: Ifinity backpack (Industrial Foregoing) Not working on added slot
#404 opened by ErikolGamer14 - 2
[Bug]: Copy eqipped items after respawning
#405 opened by mc-kaishixiaxue - 8
[Bug]: ItemStack changes not synced if LocalPlayer
#407 opened by MrCrayfish - 3
[Bug]: the game crashes with the last version of embeddium++
#408 opened by 0Trinster0 - 0
[Bug]: Attempted to load a class for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER
#409 opened by FunkyNico