- 2
Log spam of bad entity nbt getting
#3 opened by Kaleidio - 1
Error when placing armor stand
#4 opened by slainless - 1
Crash with newer betas of Curios
#5 opened by brisingraerowing - 1
Crash upon trying to place armor stand
#6 opened by DWX12 - 1
Curios in combination with Curios Armor Stands performance issue.
#7 opened by NoxyNixie - 3
Items fall off armor stands on loading world (Singleplayer)
#8 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 1
[1.20.1] Incompatiblity with Spyglass of Curios
#9 opened by infinitephantasm - 1
Armorstand wont display wings from Botania
#10 opened by StarStorms21 - 0
[1.21.x][Neoforge] Crash when interacting with armor stand
#11 opened by ffuentesm - 2
MC Server 1.16.4 - Can't move
#1 opened by MachinegunMarty - 4
Curios added via tags, without the curio capability, can not be added to armor stand
#2 opened by gigaherz