Cursed Keys

Cursed Keys


Cursed Keys

Minecraft but (almost) every button on your keyboard does something different! Can you beat minecraft where everytime you move you take damage, blow up, or summon a mob?

Current features (more coming):

Q: Drops your whole inventory

W: Effects player with wither until they let go

E: Makes hearts appear around the player

R: Tps all entities to the player

T: Creates a giant explosion

Y: Teleports the player 2 blocks down

U: Floods your inventory with boats

I: Summons arrows

O: Traps you in obisdian

P: Summons a bunch of random mobs and bosses

A: Summons an Allay

S: Summons a creeper

D: Gives the player speed until they release the button

F: Creates a fire around the player

G: Makes you hungry

H: Summons expanding area effect cloud

J: Fills the sky with filling anvils

K: Teleports player to random dimension

L: Strikes the player with lightning for 30 seconds

Shift: Summons evocation fangs under the player

Z: Makes Warden summoning sound

X: Makes tnt rain down for 30 seconds

C: Drops your health to half a heart

V: Summons lava under the player

B: Lights the player on fire

N: Nuke

M: Summons a super overpowered zombie

Game rules:

DoWKeyWither: Pressing W gives the player wither

SafeModee: Disables tnt summoning buttons as well as other destruction-based buttons

Directionalkeys: W, A, S and D functions