Cursed Keys
Minecraft but (almost) every button on your keyboard does something different! Can you beat minecraft where everytime you move you take damage, blow up, or summon a mob?
Current features (more coming):
Q: Drops your whole inventory
W: Effects player with wither until they let go
E: Makes hearts appear around the player
R: Tps all entities to the player
T: Creates a giant explosion
Y: Teleports the player 2 blocks down
U: Floods your inventory with boats
I: Summons arrows
O: Traps you in obisdian
P: Summons a bunch of random mobs and bosses
A: Summons an Allay
S: Summons a creeper
D: Gives the player speed until they release the button
F: Creates a fire around the player
G: Makes you hungry
H: Summons expanding area effect cloud
J: Fills the sky with filling anvils
K: Teleports player to random dimension
L: Strikes the player with lightning for 30 seconds
Shift: Summons evocation fangs under the player
Z: Makes Warden summoning sound
X: Makes tnt rain down for 30 seconds
C: Drops your health to half a heart
V: Summons lava under the player
B: Lights the player on fire
N: Nuke
M: Summons a super overpowered zombie
Game rules:
DoWKeyWither: Pressing W gives the player wither
SafeModee: Disables tnt summoning buttons as well as other destruction-based buttons
Directionalkeys: W, A, S and D functions