This mod adds advanced chemistry to Cursed Walking! This mod mainly adds 3 new stations of operations, the chemistry table, in which more basic reactions will happen, the pressure chamber, made out of 2 blocks is used for gas related reactions, and the fusion crafter (currently with 1 recipe) that adds a nether-star replacement item. Also the mod expands on making new cure types (the one out of foxweed flowers made by onmod will be nerfed not to give immunity), on top of that the mod also adds new ways of obtaining gunpowder with some more complex but more rewarding recipes. Most of the recipes are found in the guide book, the mod is currently in BETA so expect some bugs here and there. This mod is an addon and doesnt modify any core code of the CW modpack.
PSG - Potassium and Sulfur Gunpowder
Create : New Age
Onmods Cure Mod
The Deep Void