Custom Damage Particles

Custom Damage Particles


Custom Damage particles

Build and test Release tagged build

This is a stripped version of "ToroHealth Damage Indicators" for 1.7.10 that contains only the damage particles.


Back in 2020, I backported this mod because there was no info on the damage you do to mobs (only waila) in the GTNH modpack, and I thought it would be cool to see what damage you do in the form of particles so I saw this mod as an opportunity to fork it and remove things that were not needed.

Now after 2 years I have decided to publish it on curseforge/modrinth so that more people can get to know it and include it in their modpacks.

ToroHealth Damage Indicators

With ToroHealth Damage Indicators, damage given, received, or mitigated will be displayed as a number that pops off of the entity.

Also, health bars will appear in the top left corner for the entity in the player's crosshairs.

Customization options are available for changing the color of the damage numbers and the display style of the health bar (Compact or Standard). I will soon be adding options to re-position the health bars and may make some visual tweaks to them.
