Custom Discord RPC

Custom Discord RPC


Custom discordRPC

This MinecraftForge mod allows you to use custom Rich Presense Text for the Discord client.

A JSON config file named discordRPconfig.json is automatically generated by the mod in the config folder and this file stores all the mod's configs.

Sample config file

  "Discord APP ID": "462280508068331522",
  "Rich Presence Profiles": {
    "default": {
      "Activation Event": "JUST_STARTED",
      "Game State": "Just Started",
      "Details": "Waiting for Mod to init.",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "juststrtedbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Starting up",
      "Small Image Key": "juststartedsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "Hi",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.getUserName();RichPresence.state += ' Minecraft v'+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getMCVERSION(),null);"
    "preInit": {
      "Activation Event": "PRE_INIT",
      "Game State": "Pre-Init.",
      "Details": "Forge Loading in pre-init.",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "preinitbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "This won't take long",
      "Small Image Key": "preinitsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "pre-init",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);"
    "init": {
      "Activation Event": "INIT",
      "Game State": "Init.",
      "Details": "Forge Loading in init.",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "initbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Working on it",
      "Small Image Key": "initsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "init",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);"
    "postInit": {
      "Activation Event": "POST_INIT",
      "Game State": "Post-Init.",
      "Details": "Forge Loading in post-init.",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "postinitbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Almost there",
      "Small Image Key": "postinitsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "post-init",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);"
    "mainMenu": {
      "Activation Event": "MAIN_MENU_REACHED",
      "Game State": "In main menu.",
      "Details": "Idle",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "mainmenu",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Surfing the menus",
      "Small Image Key": "mainmenu",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "main-menu",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);RichPresence.details = ''+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null)+' has nothing to do.';"
    "serverAboutToStart": {
      "Activation Event": "SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START",
      "Game State": "Loading Screen",
      "Details": "Loading Single Player Server",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "serverabouttostartbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Getting ready to roll",
      "Small Image Key": "serverabouttostartsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "server-about-to-start",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);RichPresence.details = 'Loading World \\''+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getWorldName(),null)+'\\'';"
    "serverStarted": {
      "Activation Event": "SERVER_STARTED",
      "Game State": "In-game",
      "Details": "Playing Single Player",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "serverstartedbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Currently causing havoc ;)",
      "Small Image Key": "serverstartedsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "in-game",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);RichPresence.details = 'In the \\''+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getDimensionName(),null)+'\\'';RichPresence.state += '('+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getWorldName(),null)+')'"
    "connectedToMultiplayerServer": {
      "Activation Event": "CONNECTED_TO_MULTIPLAYER_SERVER",
      "Game State": "Online",
      "Details": "Playing MultiPlayer",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "connectedtomultiplayerserverbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Currently causing havoc ;)",
      "Small Image Key": "connectedtomultiplayerserversmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "in-game",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);RichPresence.details = 'In the \\''+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getDimensionName(),null)+'\\'';RichPresence.state += ' @'+Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getServerIP(),null)"
    "disconnectedFromMultiplayerServer": {
      "Game State": "MultiplayerGUI",
      "Details": "Was just playing MultiPlayer",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "disconnectedfrommultiplayerserverbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Currently causing havoc ;)",
      "Small Image Key": "disconnectedfrommultiplayerserversmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "in-game",
      "Modification JavaScript": "RichPresence.smallImageText = Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(Helper.getUserName(),null);"
  "Advanced Config": {
    "Treat First Post-Load Screen As Main-Menu": false,
    "Main Menu Full ClassName": "lumien.custommainmenu.gui.GuiCustom",
    "Discord Update Interval": 15,
    "Script Update Interval Millis": 2000

  • The config file contains the Discord APP ID key whose value tells the mod what APP ID must be sent to the Discord client. This allows you to use a custom Discord App so that you can use custom images or a custom APP Name.

  • Then there is the Rich Presence Profiles key which defines all the profiles that the mod should use.

A profile is simply a key specifying the profile name with the value as a JSON block that defines certain properties which tell the mod exactly what to show in the Discord Rich Presence whenever the profile is activated.

  • Each profile has a name followed by a JSON block containing its properties.

  "Discord APP ID": "462280508068331522",
  "Rich Presence Profiles": {
    "default": {
      "Activation Event": "JUST_STARTED",
      "Game State": "Just Started",
      "Details": "Waiting for Mod to init.",
      "Start Time Delay": 0,
      "Big Image Key": "juststrtedbig",
      "Big Image Hover Text": "Starting up",
      "Small Image Key": "juststartedsmall",
      "Small Image Hover Text": "Hi"
  "Advanced Config": {
    "Treat First Post-Load Screen As Main-Menu": true,
    "Discord Update Interval": 15,
    "Script Update Interval Millis": 2000

The above config file has only one profile named default and its Activation Event property is set to JUST_STARTED.

Each profile has a Activation Event property whose value tells the mod when to activate that profile. If this property is not present in a profile then that profile will never be activated.

The Activation Event property can currently have the following values

Activation Event Description
JUST_STARTED This event occours when the mod is loaded into memory. Currently specifying this activation event has no use since it occours before the config file is read.
PRE_INIT This event occours when Forge calls the pre-init function, i.e during the pre-init phase of loading.
INIT This event occours when Forge calls the init function, i.e during the init phase of loading.
POST_INIT This event occours when Forge calls the post-init function, i.e during the post-init phase of loading.
MAIN_MENU_REACHED This event occours when the main menu screen is displayed.
SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START This event occours before a Single-Player world starts.
SERVER_STARTING This event occours while a Single-Player world is starting.
SERVER_STARTED This event occours after a Single-Player world has started.
CONNECTED_TO_SINGLEPLAYER_SERVER This event occours when the player has connected to a Single-Player server, i.e. the player's Entity has been created.
DISCONNECTED_FROM_SINGLEPLAYER_SERVER This event occours when the player has disconnected from the Single-Player server, i.e. the server is still running but the player entity has disconnected.
SERVER_STOPPING This event occours while a Single-Player world is stopping.
SERVER_STOPPED This event occours after a Single-Player world has stopped.
CONNECTED_TO_MULTIPLAYER_SERVER This event occours when the player has connected to a Multi-Player/Online server, i.e. the player's Entity has been created.
DISCONNECTED_FROM_MULTIPLAYER_SERVER This event occours when the player has disconnected from the Multi-Player/Onilne server, i.e. the player entity has disconnected.

Each profile also has a few properties that specify exactly what must be displayed in the Discord Rich Presence. If a property is not specified for a profile, then that property is disabled for that profile thus allowing you to have small config files by ommiting useless properties.

Each profile currently has the following properties

Property Datatype Max Length Description
Activation Event String Fixed Values This stores the activation event of this profile, eg: MAIN_MENU_REACHED.
Game State String 128 Chars. This is discord's state string.
Details String 128 Chars. This is discord's details string.
Party ID String 128 Chars. This is discord's party ID string.
Party Current Size Integer Integer This is discord's party size string.
Party Max Size Integer Integer This is discord's party size max string.
Start Timestamp Long Long This is discord's start timestamp string.
End Timestamp Long Long This is discord's end timestamp string.
Start Time Delay Long Long When this is set, Start Timestamp is ignored and discord is given a startTimestamp that is profileActivationTime + value where value is this field's value.
End Time Delay Long Long Similar to Start Time Delay.
Big Image Key String 32 Chars. This is discord's large image key string.
Big Image Hover Text String 128 Chars. This is discord's large image text string.
Small Image Key String 32 Chars. This is discord's small image key string.
Small Image Hover Text String 128 Chars. This is discord's small image text string.
Modification JavaScript String Any Size This is the javascript code that is executed before sending an update to Discord. It uses the Nashorn engine therefore you can use the 'load()' function to load custom js files which will allow you to change the js code without restarting the game. See below to know more.
Join Secret String 128 Chars. This is currently unused.
Spectate Secret String 128 Chars. This is currently unused.


  • You can use your own images by providing a different Discord APP ID and your own image key strings in the profiles.
  • You can create your own profiles with different names, however, each profile should have a unique name and a unique Activation Event.
  • You do not have to create a profile for every Activation Event.
  • You do not have to specify all the properties for a profile.
  • If the Main Menu is not detected try to use the Treat First Post-Load Screen As Main-Menu and Main Menu Full ClassName settings in the Advanced Config block of the config file.

Modification Javascript

Each profile has a Modification JavaScript property that can be set using the config file.

This property's value must be a String containing valid javascript code.

The provided script is executed using the Nashorn engine and is pre-loaded with the following variables that can be used for processing.

Pre-Loaded variables

Variable Name Data Type Description
RichPresence This is the DiscordRichPresence object that will be passed in the current update to discord and it stores all the information regarding the rich presence. You must change this objects properties to change what is displayed in the rich presence. See
CurrentProfileName String This is the name of the currently active profile. (Hint: You can use this to make a single js file that behaves differently for different profiles and is executed using the load() function)
hasProfileChanged boolean This is a boolean value that is only true when a profile has been changed. Note that after a single execution this value is false even if the RPC update was cancelled using the ScriptHelper::cancellUpdate().
log org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger::info This is the logger function used to print output to the log. Just send it an object ant it'll print it to the log. For eg: log('hello')
Helper ScriptHelper This is perhaps the most usefull variable. It is a custom wrapper object that provides various functions to get data from Minecraft during script execution. For eg. one of its functions is Helper.getUserName() which returns a String.
Eg: log(Helper.getMCVERSION()) prints the Minecraft version to the log.

See the ScriptHelper class's doccumentation to know more.

  • Since Discord allows the Rich Presence to be updated only once in 15sec., this mod will execute your script once in about 15 seconds. For that matter, you may want to delay an update due to some reason like invalid/unavailable data. This can be accomplished by the Helper.cancellUpdate() function. This function prevents the current update from being sent thus allowing you to 'delay' an update till you think it is time. Note that after the update is canceled, the RPC Thread still waits for 2 seconds before attempting another update(and executing your script) to prevent log spamming and save on CPU resources.

  • There is also a utility function Helper.cancellUpdateIfMatch(target, toMatch) which takes two arguments and cancells the current update if the two match else returns the first argument. This can be used to check for null values.

  • Finally, canceling an update causes an exception and therefore stopps the script execution so you shouldn't expect any code to run after the cancell statement.

Advanced Config

There is an Advanced Config block in the config file which provides some settings for compatability and script execution.

It provides the following settings:-

Key DataType Description
Treat First Post-Load Screen As Main-Menu boolean If set to true this will use the first GuiScreenEvent to get the GuiScreen used for Main Menu detection.
Set this to true if the mod cannot detect the Main Menu screen due to conflicts with other mods like 'Custom Main Menu' etc.
Main Menu Full ClassName String It is recommended to use this setting instead of Treat First Post-Load Screen As Main-Menu.

If this property is present the mod uses its value to detect the Main Menu. The class name of each GuiScreen encountered in GuiScreenEvent is matched with this property's value to detect the Main Menu.

Hint: For the 'Custom Main Menu' mod use value 'lumien.custommainmenu.gui.GuiCustom'.
Update Interval Millis Integer This is the time period of the updates sent to discord in milli-seconds. Your update script is executed in every update.