Custom Items Mod

Custom Items Mod


Customize all your items with this new item modification mod!

Added Affinities and Totems!!!! Level up your items and control your enemies!!!!!

Quick Summary:

Add the new items add by this mod to enhance your items in the game. Anywhere from simply increasing your health while wearing the modified armor, to poisoning enemies with a modified sword, to even trapping you enemies in ice with a modified bow.


Watch this if you don't want to read the below information.


Gem Effects:



diamond gem weapon

Opal gem sword

Ruby gem armor

Sapphire gem bow

Identification Scroll:

Identification Scroll / Made from paper, ink, feather, and lapis lazuli

The above is a shapeless recipe. The identification scroll Used to identify items and make the able to modified by this mod. Identified an item using the scroll allows it to be modified but a modified/identified item can still be used in any way a non-modified/non-identified item can. It will tell you how many slots an item has (for gems, see below). There is a %10 chance that when identifying an item it will get an Affinity (for Affinities, see below).


Iron sword with Spider Affinity

A tool can get an Affinity towards any block it can mine effectively. A weapon can get an Affinity towards any monster in the game. The higher level the item's Affinity is the more damage or the faster it digs it's respective mob or block. Every time you hit a mob with a weapon of it's affinity you get experience towards leveling up that affinity on the weapon. Every time you dig a block with a tool of it's affinity you get experience towards leveling up that affinity on the tool. The max Affinity level is 10 and the experience to the next level is exponential (meaning 10 exp to level 2 but 20 exp to level 3 and so on).


Totem of a Spider

Can be attached to any weapon with an Affinity to the mob of the totem. Use an identification scroll on a totem to find out which mob it is for and to attach it to a weapon. Every monster has a 2.5% chance to drop a totem of it's own type. For every affinity level of the weapon with a totem there is a 5% chance that whenever you hit a mob of the affinity it will attack nearby mobs (doesn't work on some mobs like pigmen, zombies, and spiders). The means if you have a weapon with a lvl 10 blaze affinity and a blaze totem attached then there is a %50 chance every time you hit it that it will attack the nearest monster or creature to it within 16 blocks.


Gemstones / Ruby Gemstone, Alexandrite Gemstone, Aquamarine Gemstone, Opal Gemstone, Sapphire Gemstone, Spinel Gemstone, Topaz Gemstone

All of the above gemstones can be harvested using shears to get their respective gems. If a pickaxe is used it will drop shards versions that, at the moment, do nothing. Each gemstone spawns in 3 veins in a chunk with each gem spawning in 7 levels from 7 to 49. For example: Ruby spawns from 7 to 14. The also have sides that look exactly like regular stone (even with a resource pack they look like whatever stone you have) so they are generally hard to find.


Can be be on any identified item with slots open (not used by other gems). Usually more gems = more chance of the gem's effect happening or more gems = a stronger effect from the gems. Each gem must be identified using an identification scroll to be used to modify an item.

Diamond / With great lightning comes great...

From vanilla minecraft. Gives your items lighting effects. On a Sword or Tool it has a chance of teleporting the entity hit with the weapon, up 5 blocks and then strike them with lightning. On a bow it has a chance to strike the entity hit, with an arrow from the bow, with lightning. On armor it has a chance to hit an entity, that hit you, with lightning.

Emerald / May your poison kill all your foes


From vanilla minecraft. Gives your items poison effects. On a Sword, Tool, or Bow it has a chance to poison the entity hit with the weapon. On armor it has a chance to poison any entity that hit you.

Ruby / The blodd red may come in handy in a fight


Found in it's respective gemstone. Makes your items give you strength. On a Sword, Tool, or Bow it increases the attack of the weapon. On armor it increase your max health while wearing it.

Alexandrite / Absorb everything in the green glow


Found in it's respective gemstone. Gives your items draining affects. On a sword, tool, or bow it has a chance to heal the user part of damage done to an entity. On armor it has a chance to heal the user part of the damage that would have been done to user on hit instead of getting hurt.

Aquamarine / May the aqua gods guide your path


Found in it's respective gemstone. Gives your item powers while the user is wet. If on a tool, it gives the user increased dig speed while wet. If on a weapon, it gives the user increased attack while wet. If on armor, it gives the user resistance while wet.

Opal / Hide in the opal's reflections


Found in it's respective gemstone. It gives the items "reflections." On a sword or bow it makes the user invisible while using the item (more gems means a longer time). On armor or a tool it makes the user invisible while sneaking (more gems means a longer time).

Sapphire / Chill the earth with this gem


Found in it's respective gemstone. Gives the items chilling effects. On a sword, or tool it gives the entity hit by the weapon, slowness. On armor it gives the user knock-backresistance. On a bow it has a chance to freeze an entity hit into an ice chamber.

Spinel / Beware, this "fake" gem may do more bad then good.


Found in it's respective gemstone. Gives the items a "fake" strength. On a sword, tool, or bow it has a chance to either hurt the user when hitting an entity instead or hurt the entity hit 3 times as much. On armor it has a chance to either hurt the user more when hit or reflect the damage that would be done to the user back onto the attacker.

Topaz / Enemies shall never catch the one who wields this gem


Found in it's respective gemstone. Give the items speed effects. While on a sword or bow increases movement speed while using the item. On armor it increase movement speed in general. On Tool it increase digging speed with that tool.

Modifying an Item:

To modify an item just put the identified item and the item to mod it with (also identified) in a shapeless recipe. For example:Gold sword with 2 slots and sapphire gem



This mod should work with items not only from vanilla minecraft but also items from other mods! For example: You can slot swords, bows, armor, or tools added by other mods with the gems from this mod.

Known Bugs:

  • Diamond gems sometimes do the damage when the thunder effect happens but no actually picture of lightning happens
  • Ice chamber by sapphire bow has a chance to spawn "fake ice" that entities can walk through and disappear on block update

Other Contributors:

Thanks to Wolfoxymy for the art of gemstones, gems, and the identification scroll.
Thanks to Nosfeato for the art of the totem.

Thanks to Stew Bard for help testing and showcasing this mod


If you have any feedback (ideas, bugs, etc) please feel free to message me or comment on this project.