Custom Nausea (Forge) (Discontinued)

Custom Nausea (Forge) (Discontinued)


Custom Nausea License: LGPL v3

Custom Nausea is a mod that allows players to modify the strength of the Nausea screen effect through the configuration file. This is for players who find the vanilla screen wobbling to be too strong or, for lack of a better word, nauseating. In addition, there are options to also modify the strength of the distortion effect when going through the portal and to introduce "stumbling" movement when under the Nausea effect to replace or supplement the vanilla screen wobbling.

This mod is client-side only.

Configuration Options


  • Modifier - A decimal number that represents the strength of the Nausea screen effect, default is 1.0 for vanilla strength.
  • Stumbling Movement - If set to true, the Nausea effect will cause your movements to jerk in random directions making it difficult to walk/sprint correctly.


  • Modifier - A decimal number that represents the strength of the portal distortion effect, default is 1.0 for vanilla strength.