Custom Player Model
This mod allows you to customize your player model using JSON files while maintaining compatibility with vanilla Minecraft features as well as other mods. The combination of expressions, physics and the new particle system enables unbelievable customizability!
Two versions are now available: 1.12.2 and 1.14.4. The 1.12.2 version uses Forge as mod loader, and does not require any dependencies. The 1.14.4 version uses Fabric as mod loader, and needs fabric-api as dependency. Mod Menu is also recommended as it enables adjusting configurations using graphical interface like Forge.
After installation, put your JSON models in the folder named "custom-models" under ".minecraft" (for servers, it is under the same folder as server.jar). Each model entry can either be a subfolder or a zip archive file. When in game, use key binding (Ctrl + M by default) to open ingame model selecting GUI, or you can select models by commands.
Each model entry is either a folder or a zip archive file. It must contain one main JSON file named "model.json". Supplement textures are all stored at the root, and must be stored in PNG format. More information about the JSON schema, please refer to the wiki page, and you can download other models for reference.
/custommodel is the only command that the mod added to the game. It has the following sub-commands:
- reload <player>: Reload the model from disk files. When you modify the models on the disk, you can use this command to reload them.
- refresh: Force the mod to refresh to model list when you add new models to the folder.
- select <model_id> <player>: Select the model with id xxx for the player.
- list: List all models that the mod loaded. Then you can click on the message returned by the command to get the model selecting command.
- clear <player>: Clear the current model of the player.
- npc <model_id>: This is for the compatibility with Custom Npcs. After you create a NPC with CPM Male or CPM Female model, use this command to select model for the nearest NPC.
I want some new features / find some bugs!
You can rise new issues at github issue tracker. Or you can contact me by QQ or Discord.
Is this mod client side or server side?
I would say both. You can have this only at client side so that only yourself can see custom models. Or you can have a modded server which enables every player with this mod to see the models.
- This mod is inspired by Optifine and More Player Models.
- Some of the models come from Touhou Little Maid mod.
- Minecraft modeling software Blockbench.
- ASMHelper from squeek502 assisting Core Mod development.
现有1.12.2和1.14.4两个版本的模组。1.12.2版本使用Forge加载,不需要前置模组。1.14.4版本使用Fabric加载,需要fabric-api模组作为前置。此外Fabric版本建议使用Mod Menu模组,它可以让您像使用Forge一样使用图形界面调整模组配置文件。
安装完成后,请将JSON模型放在“.minecraft”下名为“custom-models”的文件夹中(如果是服务器,它与server.jar在同一文件夹下)。 一个模型可以是一个文件夹或者一个zip文件,其中包含model.json和其他贴图文件。 在游戏中使用快捷键可以打开模型选择界面(默认为Ctrl+M),或者也可以使用命令选择模型。
每个模型都是一个文件夹或一个zip文件,它必须包含一个名为“model.json”的主JSON文件。贴图文件均存储于根目录,并且必须保存为PNG格式。 有关JSON模式的更多信息,请参考wiki页面,并可下载其他模型文件以供参考。
- reload <player>:从磁盘文件中重新加载模型。 当在游戏运行时修改模型文件后,可以使用此命令重新加载它们。player可省略以为自己重载模型。
- refresh:在游戏运行时添加模型或删除模型后,通知模组刷新模型列表。
- select <modelid> <player>:为玩家player选择ID为modelid的模型。player可省略以为自己选择模型。
- list:列出当前加载的所有模型。 之后通过点击聊天栏的输出内容即可获得模型选择指令。
- clear <player>: 清除玩家当前的模型。如果在配置文件中指定了默认模型,则切换到默认模型。player可省略以清除自己的模型。
- npc <model_id>: 为了兼容自定义NPC模组而提供的指令。当创建了使用CPM Male或CPM Female模型的NPC时,使用此指令可为距离玩家最近的一个NPC选择模型。
您可以在Github提出新问题。 或者,可以通过QQ或者Discord与我联系。
两者都是。 您可以只在客户端安装,这样只有您自己才能看到自定义模型。 或者,您也可以在服务器使用,使每个安装有此模组的每个玩家都能看到新模型。