Customizable Player Models (Fabric)

Customizable Player Models (Fabric)


(Suggestion) More Animation Specific Properties

FelisMoon opened this issue ยท 0 comments




Smart Smoothing: Automatically interpolates animations before starting, after finishing, or when getting interrupted to the default model position. This feature aims to stop snapping during interruptions and to eliminate the need for uninteresting 2 duplicate-frame setup/finish animations with the only purpose of smoothing transitions. Duration can be set manually.

Forced: Prevents animations from being interrupted mid-sequence by any means, (except higher priority properties) allowing the animation to always finish on the very last frame. This feature aims to ease animation chaining, specially when operating with non additives and multiple additives at once.

Motion Scale: Im certain im not the first to suggest this one. Dynamically links the animation speed/duration in ms to the player movement speed. This way, players can create animations that correctly convey speed, fixes the need to tune animations to pehkui to fit custom trait scales and presents the first dynamic alteration to animation speed. Base speed (x1) should match Vanilla arm/leg swing to allow the addition of limb animations to vanilla animations.