- 4
Game crashes when casting Gestures with Quick Access hotkeys
#670 opened by Kana-ise - 3
[Render thread/WARN]: Error drawing gui
#683 opened by foxya27 - 1
(Compatibility) Origins scaling persistence upon relog
#684 opened by bfreezie - 1
UPDATE ru_ru <3
#685 opened by foxya27 - 1
Error with Export
#672 opened by Cleblatt - 0
[Feature Request] Separation of crawling still and crawling moving animations
#675 opened by DoctorVerum - 4
Flashback compatability issues
#676 opened by clapyblappy - 0
Capes make you invisible
#677 opened by Kana-ise - 0
Stuck on Loading Screen(?) in 24w36a
#678 opened by MoonlightSystem - 1
OSC Value Animations behave oddly when exported in latest version of CPM
#679 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 0
Model properties/Value layers and toggles do funky stuff when being previewed in the model menu.
#681 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 0
Value animations increase and decrease value rapidly after clicking the adjustment arrows.
#680 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 0
Value animation values decrement every time you interact with the value slider and open the gesture menu, and when first loading/reloading the model
#682 opened by txb5334 - 1
General Strangeness with Value Animations with limits higher than 100
#687 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 0
Pirated version
#691 opened by tiagoatumgames1234 - 3
Entity Model Features Compat
#689 opened by Swagboi7 - 1
[CPM Blockbench Plugin] Texture size randomly inflating to 4096x4096
#690 opened by Skeithh - 0
Cpm import issue
#692 opened by reddremurr1 - 0
Error on pojavlauncher
#693 opened by KazzyUwU - 0
Some transparencies and emissives don't render behind each other
#694 opened by bfreezie - 1
Glowing Eyes will change empty textures into white textures automatically
#695 opened by JustErrorz - 1
The plugin is not installed
#696 opened by Ponnoppon - 0
(Suggestion) Billboard Effect
#698 opened by LizSparkle - 1
Render scaling forces cube visibility ingame
#699 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 1
Error processing mouse event
#700 opened by JonSa789 - 1
crash on startup with iris enabled fabric 1.21.3
#701 opened by AnukWarrior - 1
Issue?+Suggestion: Inability to Achieve Transparency Animation with Glowing Eyes Effect in Version 1.21.3.
#702 opened by AshiraLOL - 1
file size to big
#706 opened by Alerion5425 - 1
"Missing server-side mod/plugin" Cannot access models
#707 opened by qserfs - 0
"Animation must finish" option does not fully work
#703 opened by bfreezie - 1
Error when trying to upload skins or access pastes.
#705 opened by taycat34 - 0
The ‘Loading’ indicator on the model does not disappear
#711 opened by alumina6767 - 0
Web Editor Won't Upload files
#708 opened by Smokepaw - 1
Error Code -1.
#709 opened by AJJAMES17 - 1
[1.21.3] Scaling options do not have attributes with them
#712 opened by lunathir - 0
Can't get past launch with OSC Compat
#713 opened by RubberDuckyDJ - 4
[1.7.10] Taking damage whilst in a pose that affects vanilla parts permanently modifies its position and rotation
#714 opened by bluedogz162 - 0
API's playAnimation command and function broken for value layers because of addition of Max Value
#715 opened by Abyssal101 - 4
Incompatibility with the next vivecraft upodate, because of internal changes
#716 opened by fayer3 - 1
Animation turns animate pure white cubes into black.
#718 opened by Phaxtolgia - 1
TypeError: Failed to fetch while exporting
#717 opened by StakeFromJateFarm - 0
Skin loading on different players
#720 opened by Naniwara - 1
Physics of custom capes do not match vanilla cape physics
#721 opened by REMDRIFT - 0
Custom capes move downwards when you press the Sneak/SHIFT key
#722 opened by REMDRIFT - 0
Trying to open a project created in CPM 0.6.17d crashes in 0.6.19g
#719 opened by Astralneko - 0
Customizable Player Models Flashback Compat Bug
#727 opened by Steeles1 - 0
support for other extensions
#723 opened by GilevGa - 0
I'm playing on 1.20.1 fabric modpack and it crashes when i load on world or server
#724 opened by homak3302 - 0
Using Container activates on creative inventory
#725 opened by raykkitsune - 0
Crash on launch with Iris 1.8.3
#726 opened by Poopooracoocoo