- 1
I hope there will be traditional Chinese in the future.
#616 opened by Eyn614 - 2
Bendy-lib compat
#612 opened by Shisuiicaro - 1
Crash on 1.20.1
#614 opened by Josserinos - 0
[Compatibility] Pose options for Simply Swords if installed
#615 opened by whataboutism-alos - 0
[Bug] Copy Transforms (and possibly Head Pitch/Yaw anims) don't respect head rotation in Vivecraft
#621 opened by RedRain0o0 - 1
Leather armor still breaks when enchanted (extension of #604)
#617 opened by Vhoyd - 0
[Bug] Emojis keep resetting to ? (question marks) when leaving the game or reloading a project
#618 opened by Pedroviskiy - 1
Latest CPM update crashes on loading for 1.12.2
#619 opened by FreianOfVoid - 0
[Enhancement] More Editor Keybinds
#620 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 0
[Bug] Paste and Mirror Part Pose in animation doesn't always reflect in animation preview
#622 opened by Topodic - 0
[Suggestion] Display Setting: Hide everything but selected cube
#626 opened by FelisMoon - 3
I can't use a model because of incorrect ending byte at 86852
#633 opened by Suushi000 - 1
[Suggestion] use model textures for `getLocationSkin()` (and `getLocationCape()` ?) (1.7.10)
#627 opened by kotmatross28729 - 0
Value Layer? Animations appear to work inconsistently for an unknown reason
#628 opened by Xigzagamer - 4
CPM breaks entities when using shaders.
#629 opened by K1ngC001 - 1
1.20.4 x Hypixel Incompatibility
#630 opened by TrapperMC - 1
OptiFine incompatibility
#631 opened by Azzarg - 0
[suggestion} sync and snap
#632 opened by Yolkest - 1
The /cpm scaling pehkui command is missing
#637 opened by Ratbagdoo - 0
(Bug, Compatibility [Create Mod]) Container Animation not stopping correctly
#638 opened by FelisMoon - 0
[Suggestion] Alternate Toggle Animations
#634 opened by Virt64 - 1
Faulty Models
#635 opened by foxya27 - 1
Jump overlaping pose animations
#636 opened by raykkitsune - 1
[Bug] One Custom Pose overwrites the others.
#639 opened by Virt64 - 3
Addition to issue #635
#640 opened by miniking1000 - 0
Bug with rendering models [Premium & Non-Premium]
#641 opened by OfficialAnvie - 1
CPM 1.20.4 The loading screen does not disappear
#642 opened by kirillka77734 - 0
[Severe Bug] [Blockbench] While using CPM Plugin, Null Object causes abnormal program behavior in Animate mode.
#643 opened by HeyItsLollie - 3
UV incorrectly scaled for some but not all parts
#646 opened by Incyray - 0
finish animations freaquently get stuck for the "Aiming Bow" animations
#647 opened by AnukWarrior - 0
(Suggestion, QOL) Default cube colors
#648 opened by FelisMoon - 1
Crash with API when mod was ported from 1.19.2 to 1.20.1
#644 opened by Abyssal101 - 0
single frame twitching during setup
#645 opened by GrenFlem - 1
Mod does not compile (fails to download Pehkui)
#650 opened by Psychpsyo - 0
(Bug Report) Not setting a colour value to frame 1 of a block for an animation makes it use black (#000000) even if the piece had a default colour set before making an animation
#652 opened by dude98 - 1
blocks in colour mode in the ingame editor lose colours/go invisible when using blockbench
#653 opened by dude98 - 1
The model is not displayed for everyone on the server
#654 opened by Jodich-Avi - 1
[BUG] every cpm model texture turns white and then crashes the game
#655 opened by donaldjuniortrump - 0
(Visual Bug) The Editor's grid texture is rendered mirrored, the base block is also mirrored whem compared to the grid with a custom texture
#656 opened by Lunar-Pixel - 0
[Feature Request] .OBJ Model Importer for Custom Meshes in Player Models
#657 opened by FluffaMario - 0
[bug][Blockbench] cpm plugin embedded editor doesn't work in the browser
#658 opened by robotdragonfire - 1
[Compatibility Issue] Model does not change when skin is changed with Essential
#659 opened by dombomb64 - 1
Toggle gestures reset with each join of a server or restart of minecraft
#661 opened by Happyrobot33 - 0
[bug][Blockbench][QOL]Non Latin symbols in names problem
#662 opened by TedAlter - 0
[BUG] CPMModel export size altered by version
#663 opened by CliffracerX - 0
[Feature Request] Alterable animation speed
#664 opened by CliffracerX - 0
Empty hand animation?
#667 opened by Aabaddon - 2
Game crashes when rendering some models.
#668 opened by The-Weeb-Guy - 2
[bug] Error attempting to export model as a model in newest 1.21 fabric update
#669 opened by Moonlit-Comet - 1
[BUG] Emission problem with custom head model
#666 opened by TedAlter