- 1
jump height stat does not function with pehkui installed on 1.21.1 fabric
#728 opened by AnukWarrior - 0
the slider that controls value layers starts to skip past a max value of 200
#729 opened by AnukWarrior - 0
Scaling resetting to default when re-loging
#730 opened by Pk10-f - 2
Model failed to load.
#732 opened by Ocelotko123 - 1
Falling animation does not work on 1.21.4
#733 opened by tanukiraccoon4567 - 0
Cant add new animations
#735 opened by Grummtrr - 3
glitch when using it with essential and hosting your world via essential
#737 opened by springbonfie - 1
Error importing Models
#739 opened by kynlin - 1
Not importing moded models
#741 opened by Tauseefchalleng - 3
Error while exporting, com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: RangeError: Invalid array Lenght
#740 opened by Mofurka - 1
Base64 Encoder and Decoder Overflow
#747 opened by LunatiK-ExpiX - 8
Models flicker between rendered players in BTA 7.3
#744 opened by Aurailus - 0
[Blockbench] Color Filter keyframes do not export properly
#745 opened by Mickeon - 0
Jacket & Hat Layers Persist When Deleted (1.21.4 Forge & Fabric)
#748 opened by Yosomx - 3
How to open and edit cpmmodel files?
#749 opened by Autistickiddoz55 - 0
How to accses pastes on the paste site
#750 opened by GleamingPulsar - 1
[Question] what does additive do
#751 opened by Autistickiddoz55 - 2
[BTA] Disconnecting with network errors when logging in with most models.
#753 opened by Aurailus - 4
[Issue | Blockbench] Armor Texture UVs reset when exporting from Blockbench back into CPM
#760 opened by K1llersaur - 0
1.14 Fabric Crash on Launch
#754 opened by McLightningJo - 0
Incorrect arm position.
#755 opened by DanielMC101 - 3
can't change eye-height with scaling
#757 opened by BladeAerialfox - 0
(Feature Request) Zooming in without changing the FOV
#756 opened by callyral - 0
[Suggestion] Different Animations Based on Held Item
#758 opened by ReallyJustColin - 1
When adding a layer for glowing eyes, the faces of the object with the glowing eyes, are affected by water fog.
#759 opened by GrenFlem