Customizable Player Models (Fabric)

Customizable Player Models (Fabric)


[Issue | Blockbench] Armor Texture UVs reset when exporting from Blockbench back into CPM

K1llersaur opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When I import my project into Blockbench to work on something and then export it back into CPM all UVs for the armor textures reset to the top left corner and need to be manually fixed.
Version: 1.20v0.6.21a-forge for 1.20.1 and 1.6.21_pre1 of the plugin (? let me know if this isn't the correct version ID)


The UVs are in their right spots when in Blockbench, it just looks like they get messed up going from Blockbench -> CPM


Same issue here! had issues with specifically leggings + chest plate, I've tested everything else (except boots) in the transfer and they work