Customizable Player Models (Fabric)

Customizable Player Models (Fabric)


Annoy/Minor Bug with deleting animated parts

ShadeKage opened this issue ยท 0 comments


The bug goes as such:

  • If you deleted a part that has animations, the game freaks out and applies those animations to the first part it can find in the root node, usually just the head
  • It can be temp fixed by either readding the parts with undo, or as I did, replacing filler cubes in the same spots and same name as before, reapplying the animations to those instead
  • The bugged animations do not show as applied to the head, or whatever part they applied themselves to, which made it really hard to troubleshoot, nor do they show in the animations test, only in game with either "test in-game" or after an export, even on servers, and Im mostly sure will also convert across saves as well

My specific issue happened when I was turning one of my models into a friends, so I was removing parts to make it more like what they wanted, I removed a tail part that mine had, and it applied every animation that tail part had to my players head, making it look very broken in game, I only learned of the issue 2 hours later when I finally went to test to see it in game and the players head was extremally broken, I only figured out that it was the tail parts animations cause I recognized the motion, and in sheer desperation to fix it without having to scrap the entire model, readded cubes back under the same tails root part, with the same name they had before, and as I hoped, the animations were then applied to the cubes, confirming the bug and fixing my issue thankfully