Custom Rarity

Custom Rarity


[Feature Request] custom nbt support

BredyAK opened this issue ยท 0 comments


hi there, i want to request for a feature that is adding the mod's ability to identify item's nbt and is value.

currently the config file is:

#Define rarity for each item in this list to common rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_common_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to uncommon rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_uncommon_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to rare rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_rare_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to epic rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_epic_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to legendary rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_legendary_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to unique rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_unique_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to mythic rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_mythic_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to god rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_god_list = []

i've been using another mod called Legendary Tooltips before, and the mod provides a same way to render item's tooltip styles. it could identify item's different datas, just like this:

	# Entry types:
	#    Match all - Specifying just an asterisk (*) will match all items.  Examples: "*"
	#    Item ID - Use item ID to match single items.  Must include mod name for modded items.  Examples: "minecraft:stick", "iron_ore", "spoiledeggs:spoiled_egg"
	#    Tag - $ followed by tag name to match all items with that tag.  Examples: "$forge:stone", "$planks"
	#    Mod name - @ followed by mod identifier to match all items from that mod.  Examples: "@spoiledeggs"
	#    Rarity - ! followed by item's rarity to match all items with that rarity.  This is ONLY vanilla rarities.  Examples: "!uncommon", "!rare", "!epic"
	#    Item name color - # followed by color hex code, to match all items with that exact color item name.  Examples: "#23F632"
	#    Display name - % followed by any text.  Will match any item with this text (case-sensitive) in its tooltip display name.  Examples: "%Netherite", "%Uncommon"
	#    Tooltip text - ^ followed by any text.  Will match any item with this text (case-sensitive) anywhere in the tooltip text (besides the name).  Examples: "^Legendary"
	#    NBT tag - & followed by tag name and optional comparator (=, >, <, or !=) and value, in the format <tag><comparator><value> or just <tag>.  Examples: "&Damage=0", "&Tier>1", "&map!=128", "&Enchantments"
	#    Negation - ~ followed by any selector above.  This selector will be negated, matching every item that does NOT match the selector.  Examples: "~minecraft:stick", "~!uncommon", "~@minecraft"
	#    Combining selectors - Any number of selectors can be combined by separating them with a plus sign.  Examples: "minecraft:diamond_sword+&Enchantments", "minecraft:stick+~!common+&Damage=0"
		level0_entries = ["*"]
		level1_entries = ["!uncommon"]
		level2_entries = ["!rare"]
		level3_entries = ["!epic"]
		level4_entries = ["&custom_rarity=legendary"]
		level5_entries = ["&custom_rarity=mythical"]
		level6_entries = []
		level7_entries = []
		level8_entries = []
		level9_entries = []
		level10_entries = []
		level11_entries = []
		level12_entries = []
		level13_entries = []
		level14_entries = []
		level15_entries = []
		# Enter blacklist selectors here using the same format as above. Any items that match these selectors will NOT show a border.
		blacklist = []

	# Set border priorities here.  This should be a list of numbers that correspond to border levels, with numbers coming first being higher priority.
	# Optionally, -1 can be inserted to indicate relative priority of data and api-defined borders.  If you don't know what that means, you don't need to worry about it.
		priorities = [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]

so, if i write like:

		level0_entries = ["*"]
		level1_entries = ["!uncommon"]
		level2_entries = ["!rare"]
		level3_entries = ["!epic"]
		level4_entries = ["&custom_rarity=legendary"]
		level5_entries = ["&custom_rarity=mythical"]
		level6_entries = []
		level7_entries = []
		level8_entries = []
		level9_entries = []
		level10_entries = []
		level11_entries = []
		level12_entries = []
		level13_entries = []
		level14_entries = []
		level15_entries = []

	# Set border priorities here.  This should be a list of numbers that correspond to border levels, with numbers coming first being higher priority.
	# Optionally, -1 can be inserted to indicate relative priority of data and api-defined borders.  If you don't know what that means, you don't need to worry about it.
		priorities = [15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]

then all vanilla's uncommon items will have a yellow uncommand tooltip, all items which nbt tag custom_rarity set to legendary will be rendered with a golden legendary tooltip.

so, there is my suggestion, you could add these functions to Custom Rarity too. and users could write like this:

#Define rarity for each item in this list to common rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_common_list = ["*"]
#Define rarity for each item in this list to uncommon rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_uncommon_list = ["!uncommon"]
#Define rarity for each item in this list to rare rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_rare_list = ["@spoiledeggs"]
#Define rarity for each item in this list to epic rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_epic_list = ["%epic"]
#Define rarity for each item in this list to legendary rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_legendary_list = ["&parent_nbt_key.sub_nbt_key.custom_rarity=legendary"]
#Define rarity for each item in this list to unique rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_unique_list = ["^Unique"]
#Define rarity for each item in this list to mythic rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_mythic_list = []
#Define rarity for each item in this list to god rank, must be a resource location name !
#If any item is already defined in another list, it will use the highest rarity first !
item_rarity_god_list = []

note: i use a dot symbol (.) to split the parent nbt keys and sub nbt keys.

thank you for bringing us this great mod!!!