This page is for the 1.12 version of this mod only, versions for 1.16+ can be found on the main page (linked here).
Allows Elytra to be dyed and have banners placed onto them, in the same way as leather armor and shields
Additional Features & FAQ
-Craft with Glowstone Dust to make your elytra glow!
-Craft with Glass to make your elytra translucent!
-Dyed elytra from the Quark mod will be automatically converted!
-This mod is compatible with the Baubley Elytra mod!
Is this mod compatible with banners added from other mods?
Not currently, though this is planned for a future release!
Will my enchantments/custom name stay if I customize my elytra?
Yes, any changes you made to your elytra will be preserved if you customize it.
How do I remove the customization?
You can undo your most recent elytra customization by washing it off with a cauldron (or in the case of the banner customization, wash off one layer at a time), or wash only one elytra wing at a time by shifting (the side washed is determined by the hand the elytra is in!). Alternatively you can remove all the customizations by putting the elytra in a crafting table with a water bucket.