Cyan's Faster Minecarts

Cyan's Faster Minecarts


Cyan's faster minecarts

server Mod loader: Fabric

TheMisterEpic's video on Elytras made me want to build a Minecart system for my world, so I looked for "faster minecarts" on curseforge and once again, there were nothing for latest version (noticing a pattern here)

So, taking a page from Thanos' book, I did it myself (while taking a bit of inspiration from the other mods :P)

Fine, I'll do it myself

Requires Fabric API


I made this in a few hours, while sleep-deprived, so some big things may have slipped by

From my tests, everything seems to work as it should, and if that's not the case leave a comment ↓ or create an issue

Config (Gamerules)

This mod adds a few gamerules that allow you to customize its behaviour


The max speed of minecarts. 30 by default



Whether or not to slow down when there's soulsand or slime underneath the minecart. True by default


Whether or not to slow down before/during curves, to avoid derailing. True by default


Whether or not to slow down during slopes, to allow going up them and not derail when going down. True by default


Whether or not to slow down the minecart if it has "slow" in its name. True by default


Whether or not to show the minecart's speed for the player riding it. False by default


Makes it so powered rails are always on. You need to update your railways whenever you change this gamerule. False by default

Found a bug? Has a suggestion? Any complaints?

Please leave a comment here on curseforge or create an issue over at Github


Feel free to add this to as many modpacks as you would like



Added the poweredRailsAlwaysOn gamerule

Added the minecartSlowdownOnSlopes gamerule