Damage command (With damage types!)

Damage command (With damage types!)


Symple damage command, useful for mapmakers or modders

First mod I make :)

Made with MCreator

Syntax: /dmg <entity> <amount> <damagetype>

Upon entering the command, the entity(s) selected will be instantly damaged with the amount and damage type you chose.

The damage types are the following (and will be selectable): 

anvil, bolt, cactus, cram, dbreath, drown, fall, fire, generic, kinetic, lava, magic, magma, starve, suffocate, void

Why different types? 

  • Different damage types have different damage reductions.

   Some examples: If you damage an entity with "anvil" the damage will be greatly reduced if the entity has a helmet(as well as greatly damaging the helmet). Similar goes to fire or lava, if a player has fire resistance, the damage will be nullified, and if the player has fire      protection, que damage will be reduced. "void" damage will not be reduced at all by any sources (even creative mode).

  • Different death messages

This is hyghly useful when making custom items, by pairing it with command blocks or datapacks, because the most vanilla way of dealing damage to an entity is by using the effects instant damage, poison, wither, or even instant health to undead mobs. With this mod you can customize the numbers that will be used.