A mod made exclusively for the Damned Minecraft modpack. Usage outside of this modpack is not permitted.
Requires the following mods to be installed:
- Better Smithing
- Crafttweaker
- MineAndSlash
- ToroHealth
- Antique Atlas
- Lycanite's Mobs
Current features include:
- Adding compatibility betwen MineAndSlash health values and ToroHealth. (PR?)
- Sync Scaling Health's difficulty values to the client and expose them to Crafttweaker.
MCLivingEntity.getSHDifficulty() as float
- Fix a bug with BetterSmithings way of registering a tag (Report to them)
- Allow for a way to identify souls before using them through Crafttweaker.
IItemStack.identifySoul() as void
Reduce Lycanite's Mobs structure spawn radius
Add difficulty overlay button to antique atlas to display Mine and Slash difficulty as a gradient.