



Dazzle is a Minecraft mod that adds way more lights and lamps than you will ever want or need. Originally made for ModOff 2018 while completely ignoring the theme - it's been updated since, though!


  • Four types of lamps, coming in all 16 colors. (Two are animated!)
  • Digital/analog versions of those lamps.
  • Regular/inverted versions of those lamps. (Right click with a redstone torch!)
  • A redstone light sensor.
  • Particle light flashes.
  • Panel lights, that project light in a line up to 45 blocks in front of the panel. Big WIP, but usable.
  • Dim redstone torches.
  • More things as I can think of them!

Head on over to the Images tab to see what they look like!

Note: Dazzle uses a large amount of block IDs (around 196). This won't be a problem in 1.13, but in the mean time, you can disable individual lamp styles in the configuration. There are four lamp styles, and each one you disable saves 48 block IDs. Nevertheless, all the lamps together use only four models and eight textures, so you won't reduce RAM usage by much.

Questions? Comments? Just lonely? Join me on Discord: https://quat1024.github.io/discord/