Death Counter Command

Death Counter Command


The Death Count Mod is a Minecraft Forge mod that tracks the number of times players die within each world or server session. It provides a convenient way for players to check their death count in each world and helps server administrators monitor player activity.

Key Features:

  1. Death Tracking: The mod automatically counts the number of times each player dies within each world.
  2. Persistent Storage: Player death counts are stored persistently, allowing them to persist across server restarts.
  3. Command Integration: Players can use the /deathcount command to check their death count in the current world.
  4. Multi-world Support: Supports multiple worlds on a server, with separate death counts for each world.
  5. Customizable: The mod is customizable and can be configured to suit different server environments.

The Death Count Mod enhances the gameplay experience by adding an additional layer of challenge and competition for players while providing valuable insights for server administrators.