TP's Death Reap

TP's Death Reap


Welcome to the Death Reap Mod




This Mod aims to add the Ability to play Death Reaper and come for Souls from others.

With the Reapers Scythe and a Glass Bottle in your Offhand to capture Souls you will be able to harvest them.

With only the Scythe you will have a 1 in 3 chance to harvest the Soul and with the armor a gurantee of harvesting a soul!




The Reapers Sickle

Reaper Hood & Cloth

Some Achievements

Soul exchange to get extra hearts

All Soul loss on Death


/soul_add   Add a certain ammount of souls

/soul_exchange   Exchange 100 Souls for an extra heart

/soul_ammount   View your Souls

/soul_tutorial   Gives you a brief overview of what you can make



Reapers Sickle:

top left: Wither Skull

top middle & right: Iron Ingot

middle & bottom middle: Stick

Reapers Hood:

top left & right: leather

top middle: wither Skull

mid left & right: leather

Reapers Cloth: 

top left & right: leather

mid left & right: leather

mid: wither skull

bottom row: leather



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