


The Decotile Mod

This mod is designed with the intention of adding multiple different building blocks that are simple in concept,

but can really spice up your minecraft houses, skyscrapers, temples, and more!

Concrete Tiles

A wide array of concrete tiles are available! Including small tiles, large tiles, and patterned tiles, these tiles are a great way to spice up a modern-styled floor. Just put some concrete blocks into a stonecutter to cut them into tiles, or craft alternated tiles in a crafting table.

Terracotta Tiles

The same variations that the concrete tiles provide is also available in terracotta variants!

Colored Block Variants

Bricks, Purpur Blocks, and all 3 Prismarine variants can be dyed into the colors shown above. They are crafted in the same fashion as dyeing stained-glass, with the dye in the middle surrounded by 8 of the uncolored block. They can all be cut into stairs, slabs, and walls. Purpur can also be cut into pillars!

Black Quartz

Surround black dye with quartz blocks to create black quartz, which is a great black building block that blends in with darker toned blocks like deepslate much better than quartz.

Metal Cuts

Put iron blocks, gold blocks, and diamonds blocks into a stonecutter to get smooth variants! There is also iron plating that mimics the texture of copper but is white like iron.

Sand Variants

Putting sand into a stonecutter will allow you to switch it between 3 different sand textures. The normal variant, soul sand variant, and soul soil variant.