Dee's Craftable Chainmail

Dee's Craftable Chainmail



A Vanilla-like way to craft chainmail armor!

Fabric API


- Changes the chain recipe to give four chains instead of just one

Crafting recipe for chains

- Adds chainmail sheets which can be crafted with two chains and two iron nuggets

Crafting recipe for chainmail sheet

- Chainmail armor can be crafted using chainmail sheets; it takes twenty iron ingots total to make a full set.

Crafting recipe for chainmail chestplate

- Translations for many languages (which may not be accurate but I tried my best)

I plan on making a Forge port soon, but it may be a little bit. If anyone decides to make a port and beats me to it, message me and I'll add a link on here for the port. I also plan on keeping this mod updated as more releases drop for Minecraft.